My analysis:
1-5: Started off as the Italian game, though this variation is a bit unusual for me.
5... Qxd1 To throw him off balance, hopefully.
6-8: To castle early, bishop placement intended to be safe.
9... a6 Taken from Morphy defense.
10..... General move
11... Nd4 Planning for a fork on King and Rook.
12... b5 Driving away the bishop.
13...Nxb3 I prefer to exchange a Knight for a bishop.
14... Nf6 General development.
15... Rd3 in the futile hope of a pawn win.
16-19: Thought I had a fair exchange.
20... Rb3 Threatening to take away the bishop.
21... b4 felt I had the momentum, wanted to press forwards.
22... Rf8 Defending my knight.
23... Ng4+ Thought I had a brilliant fork.
24...Kb6 To Avoid being skewered by 25. Ra8+
25... Nxe5 At least I had an even exchange.
26... Rxb2 Planning for pawn promotion.
27... Kb6 Wanted my king to be in the middle of the action, not limited to last rank.
28... b3 Furthering pawn promotion
29...Re2 To attack his pawn moving ahead.
30... b2. To save my pawn, and also restrict the movement of the rook on front of me.
31... Re8. To doubly attack his pawn.
32...Rb8 Wanted to support my almost promoted pawn. I had vague plans of bringing my other Rook onto the first rank, let his rook capture mine, and promote my pawn by taking his room.
33... Ka5 Hoping to connect my rooks and also move my king ahead.
34... Rb3 Continuation of my promoting plans. Failed to notice his promoting plans! Got reckless, I guess.
35 onwards: Doing my best to delay defeat.
I wonder how he held off my promotion attempts with just one rook, and got his promotion done using the other. Two of my rooks could do nothing