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Marco's user avatar
Marco's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

When losing in blitz, is it rude to play to win on time?

6 votes

Can I promote to a queen twice?

6 votes

Freely available PGN databases

4 votes

How do you convert a scid database into a pgn database?

4 votes

Can a King and a Knight force stalemate against a lone King?

3 votes

Do GPL-licensed engines permit modifying and closing the source code?

3 votes

Was Carlsen disadvantaged by the Sonneborn-Berger tiebreak due to his high rating?

3 votes

Does anyone know who currently owns Novag's intellectual property?

3 votes

Why are there 64 squares on a chessboard?

2 votes

Using Stockfish in an automated way, for example, to analyze games in pgn format

1 vote

Discovered check when winning

1 vote

Using a Linux UCI Engine with a GUI (eg. Fritz 15)

1 vote

Where can I watch live commentary and live matches between Grandmasters?

1 vote

Interesting Ending Knight + pawn vs Rook - main plans (white and black)

0 votes

Philidor Defence - White's attack on the center

0 votes

Does my online chess rating reflect my ELO rating?

-2 votes

Why does it seem that one drops more rating points when losing than gaining when winning?