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sco-ish's user avatar
sco-ish's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
23 votes

Is there an easy way to detect a draw in a King + Pawn vs King endgame?

15 votes

As a Beginner, is playing a lot of tactics chess (puzzles) a good way to improve?

11 votes

What different time control rules are there in chess tournaments?

10 votes

What book should I refer to to begin learning chess?

9 votes

Shorter game for play with kids

8 votes

Can I improve my chess? Or am I too old?

8 votes

What are books about the French Defence which feature a Black repertoire that tends to lead to solid/positional/closed/slow/quiet/strategic positions?

8 votes

Is it possible for any titled player to beat a chess engine?

7 votes

Is it allowed to prepare for a game after the round has started?

6 votes

Struggling to improve past intermediate level

6 votes

Struggling to improve past beginner level

6 votes

Opening with Nf3 - beginner

5 votes

Good books for- Grunfeild and Sicilian defence

5 votes

Which World Champions other than Viswanathan Anand had a jolly personality?

5 votes

Average income for titled chess players

5 votes

Ways to quickly beat beginners

4 votes

What are some chess songs?

4 votes

What chess websites are worth subscribing to?

3 votes

In correspondence games, is it considered cheating to get an engine evaluation of the current position?

3 votes

What are some good books for chess openings?

3 votes

How does the chess24 rating compare to other server ratings?

3 votes

Best current player in the endgame?

3 votes

Training to avoid elementary mistakes long into tournament games?

3 votes

Books that help improve your chess without a chessboard

2 votes

Looking for books on the Benoni

2 votes

Resources on the Bogo-Indian opening

2 votes

What chessboard companies are the most reputable?

2 votes

Problematic lines for black in accelerated dragon

2 votes

What's the best play when you're losing?

2 votes

Suitable defence for 1.d4