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35 votes

Should a player be forced to move a piece that he has picked up after a spectator knocked it off the board?

I am not an arbiter, but here's what the rules say: Rule 4.3 (emphasis added) if the player having the move touches on the chessboard, with the intention of moving or capturing I think it should ...
itub's user avatar
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23 votes

Ambiguity in notation resolved by +

Would it be sufficient here to write Ne4+ (meaning Nce4) only (i.e. without the "c" but with "+"), as Nfe4 would not be check? It depends on exactly what you mean by "sufficient". By "normal" ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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18 votes

Ambiguity in notation resolved by +

The FIDE Laws of Chess 2018 are unambiguous: you should write Nce4, and the + sign is optional and not disambiguating. Ne4+ is not sufficient. Appendix C (algebraic notation), article C.10 basically ...
Remellion's user avatar
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18 votes

Can a player be forced to adjust a piece?

When FIDE tournament rules apply: If you displace one or more pieces – knocking off the board, intentionally or unintentionally, is a displacement – you have to re-establish the correct position on ...
Christian H. Kuhn's user avatar
17 votes

Can a player be forced to adjust a piece?

According to the Laws of Chess: 7.4.1 If a player displaces one or more pieces, he shall re-establish the correct position in his own time. Of course, in this situation, it is not the player who ...
D M's user avatar
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15 votes

Should a player be forced to move a piece that he has picked up after a spectator knocked it off the board?

When did this happen? Because there is no reasonable interpretation of the current rules by which a TD should have upheld the touch-move claim. I went back and looked at the 3rd Edition rulebook, ...
patbarron's user avatar
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11 votes

Does a chess position exists where one player has insufficient material, and at the same time has a forced mate in 2?

After white plays the first move in the forced sequence, black's best move (with USCF rules) would be to let the clock run out because it would be a draw. No, it wouldn't be a draw if there was a ...
D M's user avatar
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9 votes

Illegal Move Missed-Too Late?

The FIDE rules say this: 7.5 If during a game it is found that an illegal move has been completed, the position immediately before the irregularity shall be reinstated. If the position ...
muclux's user avatar
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9 votes

Is it OK to adjust your opponent's pieces, and what if he objects?

Is it OK per the rules to adjust your opponent's pieces? YES The rules are clear: 4.2.1 Only the player having the move may adjust one or more pieces on their squares, provided that he first ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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9 votes

What happens should a clock fail during the game?

Per FIDE rules 6.10a and 6.10b (I am including the latter since it is so closely related in that it can require the arbiter to adjust the times based on judgment): 6.10 a. Every indication given by ...
PhishMaster's user avatar
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8 votes

Is it possible to resign in stalemate?

Can you resign in a stalemated position? No. Stalemate ends the game. Nothing further is possible after that. According to the FIDE Laws of Chess: 5.2.1 The game is drawn when the player to move has ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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8 votes

When a US tournament entry is limited based on rating, when is the rating checked?

The rules are specific to each tournament. For example 2021 U.S. Class Chess Championships specified "July 2021 Rating Supplement used for pairings and Prizes".
Michael West's user avatar
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7 votes

If a tournament advertises G/30, can either player demand G/25 d5?

You don't have grounds to demand the time control you like. In practice I suppose that if your opponent agrees, you could get away with using whatever time control you both want as long as the game ...
itub's user avatar
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7 votes

Why are USCF quick ratings lower than USCF regular ratings?

This may be partially due to ratings floors. When a player hits his rating floor, his rating cannot go lower if he loses, but his opponent's rating can still go higher. This adds ratings points into ...
D M's user avatar
  • 19.9k
7 votes

Do FIDE and USCF require Writing Notation in Tournaments with Short Time Controls? When Writing Notation is Optional?

Here is what the FIDE Laws of Chess taking effect from 1 January 2018 have to say. There are two relevant sections, one for the general rules and one for special rules for rapid and blitz time ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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7 votes

FIDE and USCF: If an arbiter is watching a chess game and observes that a rule has been violated, should the arbiter intervene?

The arbiter must intervene In a Fide event, the arbiter is supposed to intervene and make sure that the rules are respected. From FIDE Handbook : Article 12: The Role of the Arbiter (see Preface) 12....
Evargalo's user avatar
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6 votes

Does an out of turn draw offer constitute an actionable distraction / time penalty?

According to my copy of US Chess Federation's Official Rules of Chess (5th Edition), rule 14B2 states: If a player offers a draw while the opponent's clock is running, the opponent may accept or ...
D M's user avatar
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6 votes

What happens should a clock fail during the game?

This was more of a problem with the earlier generation (early 2000's) of digital clocks. One of them had a fault which meant that if you gave it a bit of a smack then the battery might jiggle inside, ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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6 votes

Does a chess position exists where one player has insufficient material, and at the same time has a forced mate in 2?

You have misunderstood the rules. What you describe is incompatible with the FIDE Laws of Chess. There is no concept of "insufficient material". This is what they say: 5.2.2 The game is ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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6 votes

USCF: Should the arbiter start a time-forfeit claim?

In my perspective, the answer is that in USCF the arbiter should NEVER start a time-forfeit claim, neither for sudden death time controls nor non-sudden death time controls, at 4/9/2022. You are ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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6 votes

USCF: Can the arbiter adjudicate a draw using the threefold repetition rule WITHOUT a player claim?

First, in the case of draw by three fold repetition, only the players can make the claim. The arbiter may not intervene as this might advantage one of the players. In the case of five fold repetition, ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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6 votes

What is going on with FIDE Federation "NON FEDERATION"?

According to this document from the USCF, the USCF membership of both of these players has been permanently revoked by the Executive Board. Since they are no longer members of the USCF, they can't ...
D M's user avatar
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5 votes

Does an out of turn draw offer constitute an actionable distraction / time penalty?

I don't know about USCF rules, but according to FIDE Laws of Chess, article 9.1.b.1: A player wishing to offer a draw shall do so after having made a move on the chessboard and before pressing his ...
user1583209's user avatar
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5 votes

If a tournament advertises G/30, can either player demand G/25 d5?

You are close, but not quite right. I just spoke with a friend of mine, who has been a tournament director for over 40 years, USCF Senior TD Henry L. Terrie III (Hal Terrie). He told me that when you ...
PhishMaster's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it OK to adjust your opponent's pieces, and what if he objects?

You are permitted to adjust any piece when it is your move. If one opponent was careless and never centered a piece after a move there should be no problem if you adjust it. If the piece was ...
yobamamama's user avatar
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5 votes

Does USCF still pay for the FIDE Master application fee?

Per Chris Bird, the USCF's "FIDE Events Manager", the USCF only pays for GM, IM, WGM, and WIM titles. FM(WFM) and CM(WCM) are the responsibility of the player. The USCF still applies on your behalf, ...
PhishMaster's user avatar
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5 votes

What if you messed up your notation a lot?

Is there any rule regarding having a lot of mistakes? Furthermore, what if you deliberately make mistakes such as writing in a random move every turn? There is no obvious rule against this. The ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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5 votes

Do FIDE and USCF require Writing Notation in Tournaments with Short Time Controls? When Writing Notation is Optional?

I can't answer this question with relation to FIDE rules, but I can tell you what the USCF rules are. From the perspective of the USCF rules, neither of the time controls you propose (either 30+30, or ...
patbarron's user avatar
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5 votes

Questions about USCF Tournaments Requirements to Get the U.S. Chess Master Title

The USCF has three different titles that are all colloquially referred to as "national master". First and most commonly, any player that achieves a rating of 2200 or higher receives the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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5 votes

Quick rating higher than normal?

The USCF uses an Elo type of rating system. Your initial rating is only a rough estimate based on the strength of the rated players you played and your score against them. This first estimate is very ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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