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Export all of my played games from

For anyone who needs this in the future, using (a new feature from allows you to trivially load all your games and export them into a csv or pgn file with more options as ...
user40834's user avatar
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Looking for online Swiss pairing software

Check out Chess Nut. We run Swiss system and Quad tournaments and it's been great for our club. It is free until you need to report ratings to a federation. If you do need that capability, the ...
Nick's user avatar
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Is there a software I can use that will construct a chess game based on a specific order of captures?

From what you have specified, it sounds as if one might construct such a game manually without much difficulty. If there's additional structure that makes it harder, then the best starting point might ...
Laska's user avatar
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Is there a software I can use that will construct a chess game based on a specific order of captures?

To search for a specific sequence of captures in a game that has already occurred you can use something like Chess Query Language. The sequence of captures in your comment starting with White Pawn, ...
Awalrod's user avatar
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How do you find the highest-rated win of a certain player?

After two years, I have coded a solution to my question. You may find it at It uses Selenium and Beautiful Soup to respectively, scrape and parse ...
fartgeek's user avatar
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How to Automatically Pair Players by Category in Swiss-Manager?

Funnily enough Swiss Manager has a similar feature called "accelerated pairings" which can be used in Swiss tournaments where there is the possibility of norms but because there are many ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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