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Mac - Chess App

I think that when you started a new game you accidentally choose the Variant "Suicide" or "Losers". (It might be preselected now that you have selected it once.) Why would this ...
Kaligule's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I install SCID Chess on a Mac?

You probably downloaded the Windows version. The Mac version can be downloaded here: The name (ScidvsMac-4.16-ElCap.dmg) probably means that you need El Capitan (...
Yves Dohogne's user avatar
3 votes

How do I install SCID Chess on a Mac?

I don't think SCID supports Mac OSX officially. The files you have are raw sources, which you'll need to compile with TCL. Why not try a newer (and better) SCID alternative? Download SCID vs PC http:...
SmallChess's user avatar
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What is the native Mac Chess app's rating? Is there a good alternative?

The Mac Chess app engine is the Sjeng engine. On the old Sjeng website (because Apple Chess is using the old Sjeng) is says: For standard chess, Sjeng's rating is probably about 2450 ELO And I'm ...
Danegraphics's user avatar
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Stockfish: How to do so it only gives hints to one color

I assume you want this so that you can train against the engine by playing the suggestion for black and then thinking about what to play as white? Lichess allows this on their website. Set up a ...
Lagerbaer's user avatar
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Game analysis app for Mac?

Use SCID or SCID vs PC if you want an app running natively on Mac. Click Tools --> Analysis Engine. Add and configure Stockfish, then click OK. In the engine analysis window, click on "...
Hauptideal's user avatar
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SCID on Mac doesn’t load database on startup

It sounds like there may be an issue with the way SCID is saving the database settings when you load it at startup. Here are a few things you can try: Make sure that the database you want to load at ...
Shivputra's user avatar
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Macintosh: Seeking client with better listing format than Stockfish

If you’re talking about a GUI that, among other things, hooks up to UCI engines, such as Stockfish, almost any chess GUI will be better than the Stockfish client you’re using. Particularly for the Mac—...
Jim Ratliff's user avatar
1 vote

Is there any GUI for Stockfish which allows comments in macOS Big Sur?

I found ChessX to be working well. I can put comments in the moves. But I still don't know how to make the depth of Stockfish to run more than 20! It only runs for 3 seconds, then it stops. If I can ...
Guess601's user avatar
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How to get a ChessBase learning product (Video + Cbh) to run on a mac?

Chessbase once tried to make a Mac version. It was buggy and under-featured, so didn't sell, and rather than improve it they gave up on ever doing one. How to play it on a Mac depends on what your ...
Arlen's user avatar
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Stockfish: How to do so it only gives hints to one color

Just use Stockfish within a database program and pick the "play against engine" option.
ToddM's user avatar
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Compiling asmFish on macOS

asmFish is NOT the same engine as Stockfish, so the answer by Dave is wrong. The difference is that asmFish is written in x86 Assembly (~20% faster), while Stockfish in C++. Here is an issue I opened ...
double-beep's user avatar
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