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5 votes

Why is ChessBase calling this a draw?

Has the position after 10....Kd6 occurred earlier in this game? If yes, the engine thinks it's a repetition and shows "0.00". More information on the repetition issue can be found on this thread on ...
Maxwell86's user avatar
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5 votes

How to convert ChessBase format files to .pgn?

I wrote a cli tool to extract .cbv archives. And you can use scidb to open the resulting .cbh file. Scidb will eventually support opening .cbv archives directly.
antoyo's user avatar
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4 votes

Delete annotations in pgn games

In Chessbase, copy the games to a temp database, right click the file, go to tools and select Unannotate db, then copy to the games to a pgn file. Edited to note Unannotate doesn't work on pgn files ...
Jerry Snitselaar's user avatar
4 votes

Enter non-game moves in ChessBase

Enter a null move by ctrl+alt+0.
Fred Knight's user avatar
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4 votes

Early line in english opening not in the chessbase powerbook 2019 but seen by stockfish 10 64bits under latest fritz

I also have PowerBook 2019, and Stockfish 10, and I can confirm what you found, but there is an explanation. The moves suggested in the PowerBook are from actual human games. They are intended, ...
PhishMaster's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is Fritz 16 Grandmaster Playing Weak Endgames?

Fritz's 2.Kf5 is a mistake because 2.Kd5 is the only winning move according to the tablebase. Maybe Fritz suffered from the horizon effect (couldn't see far enough ahead) which turned the win into a ...
itub's user avatar
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4 votes

Does Fritz 17 have extra features compared to othe Chessbase offerings?

Fritz 17 is really just the same Chessbase GUI bundled with a chess engine Fritz 17. Depend on what version you buy, your Chessbase product may come with MegaDatabase - a huge collection of master ...
SmallChess's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is ChessBase calling this a draw?

This is a bug. The position should be simple enough for the engine to work out a promotion. You should report the incident to ChessBase.
SmallChess's user avatar
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3 votes

Chessbase training annotation

Thanks for your answers. I have contacted ChessBase and they told me that training annotation is not supported in PGN files but just in their original database format cbh. So, there is nothing to be ...
Florian's user avatar
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3 votes

Good online database, or do I need ChessBase?

Take a look at chesstempo. You can use their online database free up to so many moves and then they want you to pay to search deeper. I used to use which was great for searching ...
Ywapom's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I open a .cbh databse

A .cbh file is not a complete database. A database in Chessbase format consists of multiple files. To backup or transfer Chessbase databases between computers, you can either: Backup in Chessbase to ...
René Pijl's user avatar
3 votes

Export KPvK endings positions (up to black/white symmetry) from ChessBase 15 using python-chess

I used the following python script using python-chess library : import chess import chess.pgn def KPvK_up_to_symmetry_export_to_FEN_func(pgn_file_path, nb_games, output_pgn_file_name): ...
Olórin's user avatar
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3 votes

Searching for a position in the mega database 2020 with ChessBase 15

I am not sure what you are doing wrong. I get plenty of games that way. It is possible you did a previous search that still has some residual information in the "search mask" (this is what ChessBase ...
PhishMaster's user avatar
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3 votes

Issue with ChessBase results when filtering by "Good Games"

The issue isn't with the software but more with the database itself. I rebuilt the Good Games Index, and that appeared to fix the issue you are facing for me. That being said many of the Blitz Games ...
Dheebs's user avatar
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3 votes

Single-line chess notation (Chessable) to tree-like notation (ChessBase)

You could use to merge multiple games into a single game with variations. Also you may want to look at the code. It is small and does not rely on string ...
Michael West's user avatar
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3 votes

Single-line chess notation (Chessable) to tree-like notation (ChessBase)

Here's some Python code to attempt to get what you want, but you would likely have a richer set of tools to work with if you can represents your data in PGN format. The script reads the input file ...
kentdjb's user avatar
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3 votes

Differences between normal chessbase and chessbase Steam

My understanding is not much of anything unless you are a power user. I do believe there are issues if you intend to use things like the Mega Database etc. ultimately it's just a licensing thing. In ...
Dheebs's user avatar
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2 votes

In an opening tree on ChessBase, how can we fix the statistics so that transpositions are not taken into account in the total number of games?

Unfortunately, many of the statistical functions of the Opening Book feature in ChessBase have been unreliable in every version I've owned. For example, after the Caro-Kann line 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. ...
jaxter's user avatar
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2 votes

How to stop Stockfish analysis?

Actually, nevermind about my question, because I have just found an answer myself. Just click on stop, and then click the lock button. To start again, just click on the lock button to unlock it.
user48266's user avatar
2 votes

What does "Precision: White = nn%, Black = nn%" mean in a game broadcast by

It surely is a measure of the quality of play, the deviation of the game from a "perfect game", as understood by the engine used in the analysis. A perfect move will lose zero units of measure. I ...
Daniel Alfredo Sottile's user avatar
2 votes

SCID vs ChessBase - play, analyse, visualization - ubuntu

I suggest that you simply use a browser, and play online at,, or While and have paid versions too, all three have the ability to create an ...
PhishMaster's user avatar
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2 votes

where is chessbase support located?

I believe they mean to make a request at their support site here:
NoseKnowsAll's user avatar
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2 votes

Hide the moves when clicking on a game the "games" pane of a database in ChessBase 15

Would suggest performing a quick search via google All information can be found at: Hide Notation: View Tab > Notation [Untick] Hide Movement Arrow: http://help....
Dheebs's user avatar
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2 votes

Alternative to ChessBase Replay training feature

You can try, it is possible to create your own course by importing pgns. The spaced repetition software will then test you on the variations in the pgn the same as the purchasable ...
mainsequence's user avatar
2 votes

Alternative to ChessBase Replay training feature

SCID allows what you want. Look at "Play" menu and any of the submenus "Opening training" or "Tactics" or "Review game" or "Calculation of variations.
djnavas's user avatar
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2 votes

Alternative to ChessBase Replay training feature Upload a PGN and then you play the computer interactively. You play moves from your repertoire and the computer plays the opponent moves. This is also open source. Similar ...
SecretAgentMan's user avatar
2 votes

Online tool for chess analysis: comment, add variations, insert diagrams, print

Both and allow you to upload, save, and annotate games like you mention. The first website provides this service as long as you register, which is free. The second website ...
Pablo S. Ocal's user avatar
2 votes

In ChessBase, how can I force the deep analysis function to analyze a specific variation?

say I want to run deep analysis on 1.d4, but I'd like to ensure 1.d4 h3 is looked at, how can I achieve this? In previous versions of Chessbase (I still use Chessbase 6) the way to achieve this kind ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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Resources To Learn How To Use Chessbase

The best comprehensive guide for Chessbase that I have found is the two books of Jon Edwards. In 2014 Russel Enterprises published his 350 page "ChessBase Complete" covering Chessbase up to ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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1 vote

Convert ctg to abk

I answered this question earlier on this site. Is there some way to search? The best I could say with my research is that there is a program being written to do it but it is not out yet. And ...
yobamamama's user avatar
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