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8 votes

Benoni Bc1-g5 move

This move order, without e4 and Bg7, was employed by Botvinnik in the Tal-Botvinnik 1960 WCC match. If you're interested, check it out here. In his book on the match, Tal recommends going for a quick ...
NoseKnowsAll's user avatar
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6 votes

Benoni Theory Help

The whole point of hypermodern openings like the Benoni is to encourage a big center. If you don't get that you'd probably be better off playing something else. The Dutch leads to unbalanced positions,...
Savage47's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I minimise my opponent's chances to make use of a weak square in my position?

Is the only way to prevent this to have pieces tied down to defending that square because to me that seems like a waste. No, it isn't the only way. There are two other better ways: If you don't like ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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3 votes

Benoni setup defence

The thing about the Modern Benoni is that White is usually trying to run you over on the e- and f- files. Black adopted a very small stance in the center (d6), and White's pawn play is the price to ...
friscodelrosario's user avatar
3 votes

Benoni Theory Help

If you don't feel comfortable playing against large centers you shouldn't play Benoni nor other openings such as KID (which both, by the way, are good choices if you look for imbalanced positions). I ...
huig's user avatar
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2 votes

Benoni e4-e5 push

This is the crux of the Modern Benoni, right? Do you know why you're playing the Benoni in the first place? You're trying to post a knight on e5. That's why that square is most critical; White is ...
friscodelrosario's user avatar
2 votes

c5-c4 pawn sacrifice in Benoni line

The pawn is only temporarily sacrificed. Black can regain it tactically after a few moves, although it's not readily obvious how that happens. It should be mentioned that instead of 11...c4, 11...Qa5 ...
NM Wesley Falcao's user avatar
2 votes

Should King's Indian players know know how to play Benoni-type positions?

Learning how to play Benoni (and even Benko) structures gives you a lot of flexibility down the line when playing the KID. The family of openings that is classified as "King's Indian" is ...
Scounged's user avatar
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2 votes

Benoni setup defence

In this position, White king is still in the center. I would go for Re8 (with ideas of Nxe4 followed by f5 in-case he has not yet castled; this in itself is a moral victory for Black, since White's ...
Adhvaitha's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the point of 4.a4 in this Czech Benoni?

White is pretty sure they'll have to play a4 at some point, while the rest of the pieces don't have a certain square yet. The statistics don't mean too much by themselves as we need to take ...
David's user avatar
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Should King's Indian players know know how to play Benoni-type positions?

I am following this course on Chessable. It tries to avoid Benoni-type structures whereever possible and I like its suggestions, I highly recommend the course.
Minot's user avatar
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1 vote

Should King's Indian players know know how to play Benoni-type positions?

One of the points of the KID is its flexibility. You can optimize your setup according to what White does. One of the points of Openings is to get a position you understand and are comfortable ...
Michael West's user avatar
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