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What Are the Best Opening Strategies for Both Sides in Chess for a Returning Player?

I don't think the advice and resources that should work for your specific case is any different from the advice that would apply to any other player at your skill level. For openings, you probably ...
David's user avatar
  • 16.9k
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How can I deal with low confidence and 'chess esteem' while I am learning to play, even when I repeat mistakes?

I totally understand where you're coming from—it can be really discouraging to keep losing and feel like you're making the same basic mistakes over and over. It's frustrating, especially when you're ...
Tartakower On Fire's user avatar
3 votes

Who is not cut out for chess?

Who is not cut out for chess? The answer is very simple - anyone who doesn't enjoy playing chess for its own sake. Note that your claims about playing at a low level and so being dissatisfied may ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
  • 100k
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Who is not cut out for chess?

If you feel that chess is boring and that playing is a waste of time "pushing wood" around on a board, perhaps you are not cut out for chess regardless of your rating. If it interests you ...
Michael's user avatar
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Frequent beginner's opening mistakes - which is the worst?

This is a question, one cannot answer. There are simply many many checkmates possible in 10 halfmoves and of course much more positions, which are dead lost. So is an opening now worse, if there are ...
Phil's user avatar
  • 11

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