I suspect that it is just a professional, and staged photo, but it could be either the two simply agreeing to the draw, or black resigning, depending on who has the move.

White to move is a draw.

     [FEN "8/3k4/5p2/3K1P1p/7P/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]

     1. Kc5 {The only move} Kc7 {Again the only move.} 2. Kd5 Kd7= {Both sides are forced to repeat here, and it is a draw.}

Now, black to move loses as black has to cede space, and then material.

     [FEN "8/3k4/5p2/3K1P1p/7P/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"]

     1... Ke7 2. Kc6 Ke8 3. Kd6 Kf7 4. Kd7 Kf8 5. Ke6 Kg7 6. Ke7 Kg8 7. Kxf6 Kf8 8. Kg5 Kf7 9. Kxh5 Kf6 10. Kg4 $18