Definitely be in any Profession it is not advisable to pay attention to other details , but sometimes in Chess it is important that you look here and there and take your Eyes from the Board during a Tournament play . When two People play the Game of Chess sometimes they loose the presence and they enter into a world of illusion . This happens majorly when the game extends for 3-4 hours . During the Openings Phase it is not advisable but in Middle and End games when you require a definite plan sometimes a few secs of break from the game can reenergize you and can make you think better .Your Brain even gets Stuck when you are playing a Hard game for a long time. Top Players do this at their levels in Classical Chess not in Blitz . Now a Concrete rule : Blumenfeld's rule :- Here the rule says that after a prolong deep calculation it is important that you look away from the board for sometime which helps you to skip Blunders . So Summary is look here and there for sometime during a Game but do not make someone else's business yours and take few breaks during long Calculations .