**St-Petersburg 1914**

Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch wrote the book of the famous tournament [St Petersburg][1] 1914: it has been translated to American English by Dr. Robert Maxham, as *International Chess Tournament*, Caissa Editions, Yorklyn, DE, 1993

You may find it for a [reasonnable][2] [price][3] - but not [there][4].

Great discovery: the first translation in 1915 can be read [online][5]!

**Hastings 1895**

It is a great surprise to me that the [Tournament][6] [book][7] of the first [Hastings][8] tournament (won by Pillsbury in 1895), written by the players and compiled by Horace F. Cheshire, is available [online][9].

**Vienna 1882**

One of the [greatest][10] tournaments of the 19th century, and of chess history, whose tournament [book][11] can be downloaded in pdf [here][12] - or read online if you create a free account (they say - I haven't tried). 

A reedition can also be [purchased][13] for a very affordable price.

**There will me be much more**

Many second-rank masters (Vidmar, Bernstein...) made some money from writing official tournaments books that were eagerly looked for by other players as the main source of information on the evolution of the game (no database, no internet).

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Petersburg_1914_chess_tournament
  [2]: https://www.schachversand.de/buecher-medien/turnierbuch/st-petersburg-1914.html
  [3]: https://chesscollectorshop.com/products/798
  [4]: https://www.amazon.fr/St-Petersburg-1914-International-tournament/dp/0939433176
  [5]: https://archive.org/details/grandinternation00unse
  [6]: http://www.chessbookcollection.com/items/show/1989
  [7]: http://www.chessantique.com/chess/chess_pages/books/HastingsChessTournament1895.htm
  [8]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hastings_1895_chess_tournament
  [9]: https://archive.org/details/cu31924029919820/page/n7/mode/2up
  [10]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_1882_chess_tournament
  [11]: https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/SCSB-7314888
  [12]: https://www.bestfilebook.com/gets/book.php?id=n_EWAAAAYAAJ&item=Games%20of%20the%20Vienna%20Tournament%20of%201882
  [13]: https://www.amazon.fr/Games-Vienna-Tournament-1882-Selection/dp/B00AWKGNNQ