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Questions tagged [world-championship]

For all questions related to the World Chess Championship: its holders, contestants, history, etc.

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-2 votes
2 answers

Why don't Hikaru, Fabi & Nepo buy out Liren so the 3 of them have a playoff to face Gukesh? [closed]

Edit on opinion-based close vote: It's most likely. 1 of my assumptions is wrong. I mean to ask which of the assumptions are wrong. However, if none of the assumptions are wrong, then I think this ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What are the downsides of letting the reigning champion choose the format of the championship (within reason)?

What's the point of having a championship match if the winners must regularly grind for months or lose everything, or worse, come out broken or burnt out? I don't mean going back to the wild days of ...
alices_and_bobs's user avatar
0 votes
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What was the time control of the 1960 WCC match between Tal and Botvinnik?

I'm reading Tal's great book "Tal - Botvinnik, 1960" right now. He does an excellent job in his annotations and even writes down how much time each player had after each move. However, I don'...
NoseKnowsAll's user avatar
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Why isn't there more classical armageddon with auction?

This has been asked about here but without auction: Would a classic full time armageddon tiebreaker be balanced? Classical Time Control Armageddon? Part0 - History Afaik, there's been only 1 ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Number of Games in the Upcoming World Classical Chess Championship: Comparison with Previous Championships

I'm curious about the format of the upcoming World Classical Chess Championship. Historically, the number of games in these championships has varied. For instance, the Carlsen-Karjakin championship in ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
2 votes
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Game Analysis Techniques of Grandmasters in the 1970s for World Chess Championships

I'm interested in the historical aspect of chess, particularly in how grandmasters prepared and analyzed their games during significant events like the World Chess Championships in the 1970s. My ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
2 votes
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When and where is the next (2024) World Classic Chess Championship?

I am curious to know the details about the next World Classic Chess Championship. Specifically, I would like to find out when and where it will be held.
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Understanding the Importance and Definitions of Classical, Blitz, and Rapid Chess World Championships

I'm intrigued by the various formats of chess world championships, specifically the classical, blitz, and rapid tournaments. My understanding is that each of these championships holds a distinct place ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is There an Official World Championship for Bullet Chess?

I'm curious about the official status of Bullet Chess championships. While we have established world championships for classical, rapid, and blitz chess, I'm wondering if there is a similar official ...
Iman Mohammadi's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Why did Magnus Carlsen not play the World Chess Championship in 2023?

Why did Magnus Carlsen not defend the 2023 world chess title? He claimed it was too easy, but is there a deeper meaning/reason that he chose not to participate?
MrChessR's user avatar
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1 vote
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Why isnt the World Championship formatted like that?

Just have the Men's section, Women's section and Junior's section and the 3 winners play each other in a quadruple robin round format (each player plays 8 games) and the winner becomes the next World ...
Cerise's user avatar
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Are players more likely to think at the board at the Women's World Chess Championship?

As I write this, the Women's World Chess Championship between Ju Wenjun and Lei Tingjie is ongoing. I notice that every time I tune in to the stream, both players are thinking at the board. This was ...
Allure's user avatar
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Did Kasparov and Karpov reconcile?

Did Kasparov and Karpov reconcile? In “On My Great Predecessors” Vol. V, Kasparov refers to Karpov very familiarly, as "Anatoly" or even "Tolya." He refers to Korchnoi (a much ...
Bob's user avatar
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Why are players required to record the moves in World Championship Classical games?

I understand that in some lower-level games, if the players do not record the moves, nobody else will do it for them. But what is the point of requiring the players at World Championship classical ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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Can Nepo and Ding receive computer analysis from teammates between tiebreak rounds?

In round 4 of the tiebreaks for the 2023 world championship (LiChess), Nepo played the surprise 13.Bb1. I'm wondering if Nepo's teammates may have done a computer analysis of this position, which ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Why do Ding and Nepo sign the board?

Both Ding Liren and Ian Nepomniachtchi signed the board with their pen in round 6 (an example video). I think I saw a similar thing in the previous rounds as well, but I have never seen such thing ...
Minot's user avatar
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Most combative head-to-head World Championships? keep tweeting about how combative this match is. 3 out of 5 games so far have been decisive, more than any other match in the last 10 years. Of course, us old timers remember Reykjavik 1972 ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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Does the Russian Chess Federation switching to the ACF actually make it harder for Chinese/Indian players to qualify for the World Championships?

Source "Thirdly, it is quite surprising that Indian and the Chinese federations agreed to this switch by the CFR, if they have (I have not seen the results of the vote), because it will lead to ...
Allure's user avatar
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Who is the oldest player ever to beat a reigning world champion?

Per title. I'm interested in all time controls. This record isn't in the Wikipedia list of Chess records. Related: Youngest Player to beat a reigning World Champion? which asks for the youngest player....
Allure's user avatar
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Classical world championship where someone lost 3 games in a row, COUNTING draws?

Obviously NOT counting draws there are a lot eg Nepo lost 4-0 total to Magnus in the 2021 WCC so removing the draws, there's that. In the 2019 WFRCC, which was indeed classical, Magnus Carlsen lost to ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Chess960 castling controversies in the 2019 vs 2022 WFRCC, where both are Nepo vs Wesley So

Why did Ian Nepomniachtchi get a replay for the castling issue in the 2019 WFRCC vs Wesley So, but Wesley So didn't get a replay for the castling issue in the 2022 WFRCC vs Nepo? I mean I know the ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Chess960 castling controversy in the 2019 WFRCC: Where can I see the original Nepo vs Wesley So game?

Apparently in the 5th game Ian Nepomniachtchi originally had to play 13. Rf1 instead of 13. 0-0 but then they allowed Nepo to replay the whole game. The ff is the replay game:
BCLC's user avatar
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What were all the chess960 armageddon games played in St Louis Chess 9LX and the WFRCC, and which colour won in each?

Well I think I know for 2019 WFRCC 3rd qualifying round and onwards 2022 WFRCC qualifiers quarter-finals and onwards Every Chess 9LX If anyone knows and has bothered to check the previous rounds, ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Why didn't Wesley So get full championship privilege in the 2022 WFRCC unlike Magnus and Vishy did since 2008?

Wesley So didn't get full championship privilege in the 2022 WFRCC unlike Magnus and Vishy did from 2008 to 2021. They got only 1 opponent to defend against, namely the unique winner of a candidates ...
BCLC's user avatar
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How does FIDE define slow rapid & fast rapid?

Note: This has practical implications if that's what you were wondering about. How can Hikaru in 2022 WFRCC be a successor of Wesley in 2019 WFRCC if 32.5min & 60min aren't in the same time ...
BCLC's user avatar
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In the 2019 WFRCC, did anyone catch up in a match after losing in the 'slow rapid' (classical?) portion?

From Wikipedia Each match of the quarterfinals consisted of two “slow” rapid games (45 minutes for 40 moves plus 15 minutes for the rest, without increment), two “fast” rapid games (15 minutes plus 2 ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Youngest Player to beat a reigning World Champion?

In September 2022 19 year old Hans Niemann beat Magnus Carlsen in the Sinquefield Cup. On the 19th January 2023 18 year old Nodirbek Abdusattorov beat Magnus Carlsen in the Tata Steel tournament. Is ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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What happens when FIDE can't find a host for the World Championship match?

With less than 90 days to go to the 2023 World Championship match between Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren, FIDE can't seem to find a host for the game. So what will happen when no one hosts the game?...
TheFakeGrandmaster's user avatar
4 votes
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Best "average centipawn loss" of all times?

I've found "average centipawn loss" calculated for some recent World Championship games, for example Magnus Carlsen vs Ian Nepomniachtchi, 2021 World Chess Championship. Is there some "...
Danijel's user avatar
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5 votes
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What happens when a world chess champion doesn't defend their title?

When a world chess champion like Carlsen decides not to defend the title, how does FIDE determine who the new champion will be? Is it just the winner of the Candidates tournament?
brekker's user avatar
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For what percent of the time has the official World Champion not been the world number 1?

Now that Carlsen has decided not to defend his title the next official world champion will not be the world number 1. According to this tweet from Welsh GM Nigel Davies : I would estimate that for ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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England team win senior 50+ world team championships and all the board golds - first time ever?

In this year's FIDE World Senior Team 50+ Championship the England team won the tournament and won all four board gold medals: England 1, headed by Michael Adams and Nigel Short, won all four matches ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Has Carlsen been given a deadline to announce his WC intentions?

In the current World Championship cycle Magnus Carlsen has a psychological edge on Nepo. While Carlsen already knows who he is going to face in the WC match, Nepo has to wait for him to announce his ...
firtydank's user avatar
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Have any previous world champions dithered about defending their title?

It is less than a year since Carlsen defending his title against Nepomniatchi by the crushing score of 7½-3½. At the time he publicly doubted if he would defend again. According to The Guardian he ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Why are such complicated time controls popular?

In professional chess, I often see oddly arcane time controls. For instance, in the 2021 WCC each game was 120 minutes per side for the first 40 moves, 60 minutes for the next 20 moves, and 15 ...
Bernardo Sulzbach's user avatar
10 votes
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History of physical fitness in the world championships

Who can forget this picture from Kortchnoi's preparation for his 1981 match against Karpov? More on Kortchnoi's physical preparation for the match in Merano in this 1986 documentary made by English ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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Why are some chess championships defended while others have the champion starting from scratch?

For example, the World Chess Championship as of the past few cycles had a candidates tournament to determine who faces the previous champion. Same with the Women's World Chess Championship (at least ...
BCLC's user avatar
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How are Russians able to use federation flag with the WADA ban?

As far as I know, WADA banned Russian players to play under Russian flag in the world championships (I don't really know much details). And in this chesscom article, it is stated that: This ban ...
Minot's user avatar
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World championship 2021: Game 10: Why was it a draw?

Game: I assume that the players agreed for a draw because they are GMs and both are capable of playing perfect game. But I ...
subba's user avatar
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Why did Bobby Fischer make his demands in the 1975 World Chess Championship?

Many topics ask about Fischer's demands in the 1975 World Chess Championship between him and Karpov, but I've never found the reason Fischer made these demands. In particular: If the result is 9-9, ...
user30475's user avatar
-1 votes
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My friend thinks the WCC has 14 games in a short amount of time with the purpose to induce player errors. Is that true at all?

For some reason, my friend believes that the format of the World Chess Championship is made in such a way with the purpose of increasing the amount of errors by the players. Is there any trutto this ...
davejones445's user avatar
8 votes
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Rules regarding food and drink during a world championship game

Game 6 in the world championship match between Magnus Carlsen and Ian Nepomniachtchi ran for 7 hours and 45 minutes. Apparently the players did not eat during that time. Chessbase India reports: ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Why did Andrea Botez ask Magnus Carlsen “How does the knight move?” after a game in the 2021 World Chess Championship?

Andrea Botez asked world chess champion Magnus Carlsen “How does the knight move?” in a press conference after a game in the 2021 World Chess Championship. It seems like such an obvious question that ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Is today's World Championship game the first with a symmetrical position and one file completely occupied?

After 8 moves in the 8th game between Carlsen and Nepomniatchi this position was reached. [FEN "r2qk2r/pppb1ppp/3b4/3p4/3P4/3B4/PPPB1PPP/R2QK2R w - - 0 1"] The position is perfectly ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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What did FIDE do/say in response to Magnus Carlsen's non-participation in the candidates match for the 2011 world championship?

In Why did Magnus Carlsen drop out of World Championship in 2011? we see magnus said After careful consideration I’ve reached the conclusion that the ongoing 2008–2012 cycle does not represent a ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Before Qe6 in game 6 of the 2021 World Chess Championship, was it really a draw?

In game 6 of the World Championship 2021 between Magnus Carlsen and Ian Nepomniachtchi, before Qe6 the engine says +0.9 at around depth 30/99, but I heard supposedly it's a (theoretical) draw. I know ...
BCLC's user avatar
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12 votes
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Wrong inaugural move in game 2 of Carlsen - Nepomniachtchi

In the game 2 of the current World Championship Series, the FIDE president Arkady Dvorkovich made the inaugural move, which differed from what Carlsen wanted the move to be. How does this exactly ...
kopaka's user avatar
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What will happen if all games are draws for a World Chess Championship?

What will happen if all the games in the World Chess Championship are draws? Who will be considered the world champion?
Johan Jomy's user avatar
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Why is it inappropriate to take a photo with the trophy according to Carlsen?

In the press conference (at about 44:20) of World Chess Championship, Maurice Ashley invites Nepo and Carlsen to take a photo with the trophy but Carlsen says that he finds it inappropriate. Why is ...
Minot's user avatar
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Where can I watch World Chess Championship 2021?

What are the possible streams that I can watch World Chess Championship 2021 from 24th of November to 16th of December (any online platform and television broadcast)? If possible, please provide ...
Minot's user avatar
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