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Questions tagged [windows]

Questions about chess software for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

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3 answers

How can I install chess engines in windows?

Actually, I want to install top 10 chess engines in my PC for practicing better.
Mohammad Shahinur Islam's user avatar
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Free best software for analyzing game in Windows 11 or Linux [duplicate]

I am not talking about Stockfish, Komodo or engine. I am talking about Software like Chess Arena. I was using the software, but I can't stay focused on it cause it doesn't have well defined GUI (doesn'...
Billy Istiak's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I get Stockfish to write its analysis to a file using a batch file on Windows?

I can get this to work in a Windows Command Prompt window as follows: stockfish_14_x64_modern.exe uci ucinewgame position fen rnb1kbnr/ppp1pppp/8/3q4/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 go depth 17 ...
Hal Heinrich's user avatar
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0 answers

How to validate chess moves with a server? Winboard and Unity 2020.3

I'm looking for advice on how to implement online chess move validation using a winboard chess engine. I am creating a mobile battle chess game in Unity 2020.3. Right now I have the possible moves for ...
real_rashad's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to watch PGN at different speeds?

I am looking for a program for Windows or an online service for viewing PGN at variable speed. I know that lichess has fast and slow speed, but I want more adjustable settings.
Роман's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Train Leela Chess against myself

Is it possible to play against a "virgin" Leela Chess engine to see how many games it takes it to beat me? That is, can I train Leela Chess by playing against it myself?
Olórin's user avatar
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Debugging my chess engine through the Arena GUI

I coded (with visual studio 2019 on windows 10) an ultra naive chess engine that complies with UCI engine interface rules. Before starting to develop it in more fancy ways, I want to make sure that I ...
Olórin's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there any software that will analyse games offline?

Usually I use Lichess to analyse games, but sometimes I am offline. Is there any software with the capability of providing offline computer analysis, giving the rate of inaccuracies/mistakes/blunders ...
Wais Kamal's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a GUI software that exports chess diagrams for chess authors?

Is there a program either Linux or a Windows program that can create a chess position and save it as an image. That image can then be used by the chess author in a book that is being written.
Bret Joseph's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Windows chess program that can load PGN files per command line

the program should display a PGN file, be fast to run, and absolutely be expected to be callable by the command line (passing the PGN file as an argument). The reason is I began to create a concept ...
lolveley's user avatar
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1 answer

How To Get Chess Titans on Windows 8/10

I have noticed that the new Windows 8 and 10 do not have my favorite games, specifically Chess Titans. I really want it so, how can I get Chess Titans on my Windows 8/10 PC without getting a Windows 7 ...
Christian Sirolli's user avatar
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1 answer

How to show captured pieces in Arena?

I'm using Arena 3.5 on Windows. When playing, I want to see a list of the captured pieces beside the board in Arena. How do I do that?
NoName's user avatar
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2 answers

Chess GUI for windows that shows two boards?

Is there a Chess GUI for Windows that shows both the board from white's perspective and black's perspective side by side, without the need for flipping?
patrickinmpls's user avatar