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Questions tagged [stockfish]

Stockfish is a strong open-source chess engine.

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1 answer

How do I get Stockfish to write its analysis to a file using a batch file on Windows?

I can get this to work in a Windows Command Prompt window as follows: stockfish_14_x64_modern.exe uci ucinewgame position fen rnb1kbnr/ppp1pppp/8/3q4/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 go depth 17 ...
Hal Heinrich's user avatar
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Engines tuned to masters’s styles

I saw a stream by IM Eric Rosen where he showed a stronger version of stockfish than the one on He said that it is a version that is given to masters with the evaluation function ...
Niels Abildskov's user avatar
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Trapped Rooks: Does Stockfish penalize more if the king can't castle temporarily?

In this talkchess thread, they discuss trapped rooks and castling rights. In post #5, user @Lyudmil Tsvetkov posted: I would give at least some 10-15cps for temporary prevention of castling. Here is ...
ChessLover's user avatar
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How to use ending evaluation in UCI interaction with Stockfish

Playing around with the Stockfish 8 UCI from the terminal, I've managed to make it compute moves, and set the position and load Syzygy tables. But how I can know if an endgame, one that corresponds ...
loloof64's user avatar
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How to limit the depth of analysis in Arena?

I am using Arena with Stockfish-222-64-ja-intel. It thinks about 50 moves deep and heats up my laptop processor. All I was interested in, was a depth of about 12-13 moves and for the best line to be ...
Shashank Sawant's user avatar
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Are these depth-41 Stockfish evals the result of a horizon effect?

I was using lichess's analysis board for Stockfish's analysis of this line in the French: [Title "French Defence, Steinitz Variation"] [StartFlipped "0"] [fen ""] 1. e4 ...
Rosie F's user avatar
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Understand Stockfish NNUE [closed]

I am currently trying to understand the Stockfish NNUE HalfKP 256x2-32-32 neural network, which is listed on I understand the way how the board is interpreted. What I don't fully ...
Phil3453's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How can I use stockfish to find good moves, instead of just bad moves?

After playing on I have been reviewing my games as follows: Ask for a computer evaluation (Stockfish) Look at the graph and investigate any wild swings in computer analysis Try to ...
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3 answers

Stockfish Evaluations

I've been getting Stockfish to analyse lines of the KID, and the evaluation gives a score of around +1.5: White has a big advantage. How come this is true, when the KID is a playable(and good) opening?...
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2 answers

Why does stockfish make these strange recommendations?

The FEN is: r2qk1r1/ppp2p1p/2n1bn1Q/4p1B1/8/2P4P/PP1NpKP1/R5NR b kq - 0 1 Clearly black is winning because the white bishop can be captured (with a discovery available if white recaptures). However, ...
wim's user avatar
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Why does Stockfish evaluate this Lichess puzzle position as so advantageous for Black?

[Event "Rated Rapid game"] [Site ""] [Date "2021.04.20"] [White "Paulinos"] [Black "Qedesh76"] [FEN "r3qrk1/2pbbppp/...
qwr's user avatar
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Why is Kf8 the recommended move here?

in this position: [FEN "rnbqk2r/pp2bppp/5n2/1Bpp4/8/3P1N2/PPP1QPPP/RNB1K2R b KQkq - 3 7"] Stockfish 8 gives the move of Kf8, and claims my move of Bd7 is an inaccuracy. I don't quite understand why....
espionn's user avatar
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Connecting Chess Engine with a Java program

I wanted to make a 1 player chess game. The idea is: The move made by the player would be displayed on the GUI. It is sent to the Chess Engine in its own specific understood form. Then the result of ...
Shadow_Sphynx's user avatar
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Is there a way to ask stockfish from the command line if a position is "quiet"?

Is there a way to ask stockfish from the command line if a position is "quiet"? I am running a script like to return the analysis, but I would like to also know if stockfish considers ...
Peter Cotton's user avatar
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3 answers

Does Stockfish NNUE have contempt implemented?

Per title. As I understand contempt, it's a setting in the eval function that adds a bonus for material remaining on the board. This makes the engine favor positions with more material (i.e. more ...
Allure's user avatar
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Using the Stockfish move generator in a home chess engine

Basically, I’m creating a chess AI and I want to focus on the search algorithm rather than the most complete way or fastest move generation portions. So, for now, I was thinking I could use a prebuilt ...
Julian Carrier's user avatar
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Why can Stockfish give different evaluations at the same depth?

When I let Stockfish get to a certain depth (say depth 33), it gives some evaluation. Then I refresh the position (while leaving Stockfish on) and when it gets to the same depth it gives a different ...
Inertial Ignorance's user avatar
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Why does black not move Queen here?

in this board, after Nf5 as indicated, why does stockfish suggest the best move is king-knight e7? Surely it would be better to save the Q to h7 towards the check-mate on h2 (white knight blocks the ...
MMMMM's user avatar
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Why is this knight outpost from a Semi-Slav an inaccuracy?

[fen "rn1qk2r/4bppp/p1p1pn2/1p4B1/3P4/2NQPN2/PP3PPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 12"] I played Ne5 which I thought was reasonable as it targets c6. But Stockfish 14+ goes from +1.1 to +0.2. What is the ...
qwr's user avatar
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Is there a way to get blunders, mistakes and inaccuracies using Stockfish?

Stockfish provides the best moves/lines but is there a command or technique to get inaccuracies, mistakes and blunders? How is this done by lichess or They also have the ability to show an ...
Patola's user avatar
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How to get static evaluation from Stockfish in case that a king is in check?

I am working on a program that should recognize the difference between human and computer players. For this purpose, I need some parameters. A part of them would be the individual values of the static ...
Oanser's user avatar
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When to use Clear Hash

I am developing a program that analyzes games sequentially, i.e. one game after another. Below are the parameters. Engine: Stockfish 10 Threads: 2 Hash Table: 4000 Depth: 30 My question is about ...
user2320832's user avatar
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How to send uci messages from c# app to stockfish on android?

I downloaded the binary of Android Stockfish arm64-v8a and looked in the CPP source files. In main() there is all initialization, and then there is UCI::loop(), which catches standard input with ...
hoacin's user avatar
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Unable to run Stockfish on Python

I know this isn't a programming forum, though it's chess-related, hence the placement on here. Basically, I'm trying to setup stockfish with Python on my PC. I installed it via pip install stockfish. ...
velotoy's user avatar
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Was there a bug in Stockfish similar to the bug in Houdini 6.02?

This is a follow-up question to Is Houdini 6 a Stockfish clone? Houdini 6.03 included a bugfix: "Correction for incorrect detection of stalemate in positions with white pawn capture moves." ...
Allure's user avatar
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Is there a hash or string that represents a stockfish evaluation of a position to a certain depth?

Is there a hash or string that represents a stockfish evaluation of a position to a certain depth? For example for a given FEN, can you analyze to a depth of say 10 and get a hash to represent that ...
honkskillet's user avatar
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How to get stockfish to play a selfmatch without clearing the hash table between games

A while ago I asked a question about how to let Stockfish play 10 games with itself for a limited number of moves: Python script to let stockfish selfplay 10 games from a given position This question ...
Arturo's user avatar
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Does Stockfish(and other chess engines) learn after an analysis? (is there a machine learning algorithm implemented in it?)

I was watching the Sinquefield Cup right now, in particular the game Svidler-Caruana. I analyzed once the position they got with Stockfish 7 64bit and it suggested the move Rf3. Svidler played instead ...
doze's user avatar
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How can I query the current value of an UCI option?

I've got a (simple) question regarding the UCI options and their current values: I start my engine (e. g. Stockfish). The console opens and I enter "uci" and press [Enter]. As a result, I ...
Frank Kremer's user avatar
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Alphazero vs Stockfish

Is the particular ending really a draw? Someone may try will FinalGen , please? [Title "White to move"] [fen "8/1B2k3/p7/P6p/1n1p2pP/6P1/4KP2/8 w - - 0 1"]
Stefano's user avatar
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Did Leela Zero miss a win in this position?

Did Leela Zero miss a win in this position from game 106 of the Computer Chess Championship, on move 83 with White to move? [FEN "8/2p1r3/2P4k/1P1pB2p/K2NbP1R/P5r1/8/8 w - - 0 1"] Here, ...
Stefano's user avatar
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What kind of hand-crafted features do top performing family of engines use to evaluate a position?

AlphaZero paper which introduced the engine which allegidly outperformed stockfish mentioned the following: These programs evaluate positions using features handcrafted by human grandmasters and ...
Salvador Dali's user avatar
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Can you run "Full Analysis" in Fritz with a different engine?

I have added Stockfish to the Deep Fritz GUI, and I even marked all engines except for Stockfish as inactive. However, when I run the "Full Analysis" it's still using Fritz. Is there a way to use a ...
NachoSoto's user avatar
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In this position, why is Nb4 better than b4?

Here as white, I played b4: [FEN ""] [Startply "46"] 1. c4 g6 { A10 English Opening: Great Snake Variation } 2. Nc3 Bg7 3. g3 e6 4. Bg2 Ne7 5. Nf3 O-O 6. O-O c6 7. d3 d5 8. cxd5 ...
dsa's user avatar
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Which engine is better at Chess960-Stockfish or Leela?

It seems that TCEC has seen Stockfish and Leela go back and forth. It is probable that these days Stockfish is a little bit better than Leela. I was wondering, since it is different in Chess960, which ...
CognisMantis's user avatar
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Stockfish on Android Question

I recently downloaded Stockfish 10 on my android phone and after unzipping the rar file, there were three separate engine binaries and I am wondering which one would be the strongest one to use. The ...
Bruce Jones's user avatar
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How to use stockfish for ChessBase? [duplicate]

I have downloaded Stockfish 6 and also I have ChessBase 13 64-bit. I have unzipped to Stockfish how do I combine the two so I can use Stockfish?
wondering's user avatar
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Duplicating the game analysis output on lichess

I'd like to automatically generate move by move analysis (based on my past games) like they have on lichess for imported games. My guess is that I need to run a full stockfish analysis for each move (...
qhfgva's user avatar
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UCI engine state notion

Hi guys I have a problem with using stockfish engine which is using UCI protocol. I wanted to play black and the computer white. But so far I think that uci engine has no notion of state and it gives ...
dimas's user avatar
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Can you compile Stockfish on Windows without Unix/GNU?

Can you compile Stockfish on Windows (without Unix/GNU), perhaps via Visual Studio? The official "how to compile Stockfish on Windows" suggests using MinGW (see links below) and I am looking ...
Xonatron's user avatar
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Good against low-level humans but bad against low-level computer

I'm probably what you'd call an advanced beginner. I spend most of my chess time solving puzzles on Lichess, which tend to focus on midgame calculation, making beneficial trades, and finding ...
Max's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is Stockfish giving me this weird move?

When I ask for the best move for this FEN: 1rbq1rk1/b4p2/p2p3p/3Bp3/P3P3/2P4P/R2Q1PP1/4K2R w -- - 0 30 [FEN "1rbq1rk1/b4p2/p2p3p/3Bp3/P3P3/2P4P/R2Q1PP1/4K2R w - - 0 30"] Stockfish (via Python) ...
Mareo's user avatar
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Why doesn't Stockfish (DroidFish) try to flag me?

Imagine the following position: [FEN "3k4/7p/7K/3B4/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"] White is played by Stockfish in DroidFish and black by human (me). We both have 15 seconds. After a few moves, white bishop ...
nwo's user avatar
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What exactly means centipawns field in stockfish/uci output?

According to this page: cp the score from the engine's point of view in centipawns. but is it a score for the current (start) position of the game that I feed to engine, or it is a ...
scythargon's user avatar
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Can't properly use python stockfish package in Mac

I'm trying to get stockfish for python working but I am running into issues. This is my code so far. from stockfish import Stockfish stockfish = Stockfish('/Users/Me/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-...
Ozzy08's user avatar
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What does this paragraph about Stockfish's regression tests mean?

Source Point 5: Elo estimates of single patches (SPRT runs) typically come with large error bars. Take this into account when adding Elo estimates. Furthermore, Elo estimates of passing patches are ...
Allure's user avatar
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Weakening the kingside with g5

I am having trouble deciding whether a move such like g5 (g4 in case it is White) is worth it or not. I am looking for advice on my particular position and if possible, a general explanation for any ...
Maths64's user avatar
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What is the Elo rating of Stockfish version that played AlphaZero?

AlphaZero has defeated Stockfish with all novelties and brilliant strategic sacrifices. But some people were disputing its win, because Stockfish was running on weak hardware (1 GB RAM), not access to ...
THN's user avatar
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Weird Stockfish UCI output for d2d4 before and after

I am currently trying to code a training tool and am a bit confused by what Stockfish returns. Before doing d2d4 it states that this move will have a 56 centipawn advantage for White - which is what I ...
Torge's user avatar
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Xboard and a remote engine

I want to analyse chess games with xboard and stockfish. Locally this is no problem. But my PC is slow, so I have rented a faster linux server, and I want let stockfish run on it. How can I use xboard ...
ILoveCake's user avatar

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