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Questions tagged [stalemate]

A chess game is said to end in stalemate when the player to move has no legal move and his king is not in check.

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15 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to create a board position where White must make the move that leads to stalemating Black to avoid Black stalemating White?

It's pretty common to see positions where White has to checkmate Black to stop Black from checkmating White. I was wondering about the same concept with stalemate. At first, I thought it was ...
5 votes
2 answers

Why was this a draw? What move I supposed to play to win?

I'm playing as Black. Why was this a draw? What move I supposed to play to win? [FEN ""] [StartPly "104"] 1.e4 d6 2. Bb5+ c6 3. d4 Nf6 4. Bxc6+ bxc6 5. c4 Nxe4 6. Qa4 Nf6 7. c5 h6 ...
6 votes
1 answer

Why was this a draw?

I’m a new player. Why was this a draw? What was the move instead? [FEN ""] [StartPly "90"] [Title "From White's Perspective"] 1. a4 e5 2. a5 Nc6 3. Na3 d5 4. a6 bxa6 5. ...
4 votes
2 answers

Situations of underpromoting the pawn

I recently came across a wonderful article on about under promotion of pawns. One of the situations is here: [FEN "8/8/1KP5/3r4/8/8/8/k7 w - - 0 1"] [Date "1895.??.??"] [...
8 votes
2 answers

Why was this stalemate?

I'm new to chess and I don't have much knowledge. But I was playing a game as Black, and I was up by a lot of material and played Nxc4 to capture White's last bishop. The game ended in a stalemate, ...
5 votes
3 answers

Why is this position stalemate?

Why is this position stalemate? I'm new to chess and I played white.
1 vote
1 answer

Why was this recent Chess960 match of mine considered a stalemate?

So recently, I participated in a Chess960 tournament because I wanted to try and improve how I strategized, because that seemed to me to be what had been killing my Chess960 rating on Lichess. However,...
1 vote
1 answer

Why did I lose a point of rating in stalemate?

Recently played this game on and it ended up in a stalemate then also I lost one rating and the opponent gained one rating. How is this possible as I have more points in the end? Edit: For ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is double "pure stalemate" reachable in a normal game? [duplicate]

Define "pure stalemate" as a position where the player is not in check, and has no legal moves, even without considering whether a move would place them in check. (So every piece is blocked ...
26 votes
6 answers

Can the king step into stalemate?

Is it possible that the king can move to a square, and the opponent can move, but no matter where it is a stalemate? If it is impossible, how do you prove that?
4 votes
2 answers

What is the fastest possible stalemate by castling?

It is known what the fastest stalemate is. But what but is the fastest possible stalemate in which castling must be the last move? 33 plies is my best result so far. [FEN ""] 1. e4 h5 2. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can you force stalemate with KB/K?

Since the practical answer, pending the old suggestions to rate stalemate different, is "Who cares?", I doubt "official" tablebases exist. (Since winning the KNN/KP endgame depends ...
1 vote
1 answer

Stalemate positions on Chess board

How many stalemate positions in numbers without duplicates are possible on chess board? Is it a infinite or finite number in terms of stalemate positions count?
0 votes
1 answer

Questions about legality of last move

Question for FIDE Arbiters and similar knowledgeable folk... FIDE Law Article 5.1.1 The game is won by the player who has checkmated his/her opponent’s king. This immediately ends the game, provided ...
0 votes
0 answers

Proving the fastest way for stalemate

I know that Sam Loydfound the 9.5 move stalemate, but how can we prove that his way of reaching stalemate is the fastest?
4 votes
0 answers

USCF rule for wrongly agreeing to stalemate? [duplicate]

In a USCF tournament game, after I moved and hit my clock, my opponent said "Is that stalemate?", reaching out his hand to shake on the result. I said "I think so," and shook his ...
3 votes
1 answer

Would a stalemate declared a win be theoretically equivalent to this larger board chess variant?

Most drawn endgames where one side is stronger than the other (e.g. has an extra pawn) are drawn because the weaker king can force being stalemated on the rim if the stronger side avoids a repetition. ...
6 votes
7 answers

Can a stalemate be forced even if it is the opponent's turn to move first?

Here are examples in which the side that desires a stalemate can force a stalemate, provided it is their turn to move. Are there positions where the side which desires a stalemate does not presently ...
0 votes
1 answer

In the endgame, black had only two blocked pawns. It is his turn. Is it stalemate or must he move his king?

In the endgame, Black had only two blocked pawns. It is his turn. Is it stalemate or must he move his king? My opponent claimed that the king cannot move if all other remaining pieces are blocked.
5 votes
2 answers

Fastest stalemate in Duck Chess

Seeing the meteoric rise in popularity of Duck Chess (full rules), I'd like to ask how to stalemate the fastest (from the starting position) in this variant, because the stalemated player wins here. ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a position where the weaker side can force stalemating the stronger side?

Usually, the (materially) stronger side stalemates the materially weaker side. Is there a position where the weaker side can forcibly stalemate the stronger side? The only position I know where this ...
7 votes
3 answers

How can I avoid stalemate in this position?

I am very much a beginner to chess and have been clueless in my past matches. I feel like I'm either making a move just to protect any of my pieces at that moment or make a move to simply knock my ...
29 votes
4 answers

Stalemate situation with all pieces on the board

Suppose all the pieces are on the board. Does there exist a position such that A) one of the players can't make any move (a stalemate)? B) neither player can make any move (a double stalemate)?
2 votes
2 answers

Puzzle: Forced game end in at most two halfmoves

Compose a position where It's White to move White can deliver checkmate or stalemate in 1 move Or if they make a different move, then Black can deliver checkmate or stalemate in one 1 move I needed ...
3 votes
5 answers

A special "dead" position

Construct a position which forcibly leads to White or Black being stalemated (and both events are actually possible), meaning that the position is already dead. Further (or it would be too easy) all ...
0 votes
1 answer

Duplex forced selfstalemate

Ludwig Zagler, Chess Ultimates 12/1974 [FEN "3nBb2/3PRP2/2ppPPpp/2nk2pb/2p2QN1/1r1rBKP1/7q/8 w - - 0 0"] self=1, 7 solutions This is the record (7 variants) for forced single side ...
3 votes
1 answer

Two seriesmover stalemate constructions

Easy one: Starting position, but Black never moves. White makes n moves (no checking!) until Black is stalemated. Minimize n. Hint: You don't need to capture all Black pieces, pawns can also be ...
7 votes
1 answer

What will happen if you have a position where no one can lose?

What will happen if you have a position where no one can lose? [fen "5k2/8/1p1p1p2/pBpP1Pp1/P1PpK1P1/1P1Pb3/8/8 b - - 0 1"] Here is my game, I know it is live960 but I was wondering the ...
4 votes
1 answer

What is the shortest 1:16 mutual stalemate with the White king at home?

In this ancient r/chess thread, several users explored the shortest possible 1:16 mutual stalemate. StoofBuzze provided a record in 42.5 moves. However, what is the shortest such game in which the ...
4 votes
3 answers

An Interesting Idea: Pinned Pieces Stalemate

I had an idea for a type of stalemate: One side is stalemated with 8 pins in a legal position with as many pieces as possible, with all of the stalemating side’s units being “necessary.” ”Necessary” ...
70 votes
12 answers

Why is stalemate a draw?

It is so difficult to force stalemate and sometimes unintentional too, so why is stalemate a draw? As the opponent doesn't have a further move, why is it not considered a win?
0 votes
1 answer

What constitutes a draw?

I know what makes a game a stalemate, and I know that stalemate is 1/2 point to everyone, and I assume draw is the same, but can there be a draw without a stalemate?
4 votes
1 answer

Why go for stalemate here?

In a Daily Puzzle of the app, playing as white the solution to the puzzle was as follows: [Title ""] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/p1Q3bk/P2N2p1/5p1p/7P/6q1/8/7K w - - 0 1&...
19 votes
1 answer

Can White avoid a loss in this endgame study by Lazar?

This is the position with White to move. This was created by Lazar in 1935 according to Susan Polgar in a Chess Daily News article from 5/27/2008. [FEN "8/3P4/3b4/8/8/1p2k2p/1Pp4P/2K5 w - - 0 1&...
9 votes
8 answers

Would there be more decisive games if we began to see stalemates as checkmates? And hence more "interesting" chess? [closed]

I think it is up for debate as to whether a stalemate should be a win or a draw. I agree stalemates make beginner chess more interesting but we rarely see games at international level end in stalemate....
13 votes
3 answers

Mutual Stalemate

You are required to find position such that: 1) Any move made by White or Black leads to stalemate for both sides immediately. 2) The position can be reached from the starting position of a chess ...
21 votes
1 answer

Shortest stalemate in serious tournament game

I am looking for the shortest stalemate that has occurred in a serious chess game (there were no agreements between the players). So far, I have found only compositions, but is there a real game where ...
6 votes
1 answer

What is the record for the most stalemates in one?

Is there a known record for the most possible stalemates in one in a legal position, for with and without promoted pieces? I did some constructing myself for a start. For without promoted pieces, I ...
11 votes
5 answers

What is the longest known stalemate your opponent in x-moves problem?

What is the longest known stalemate your opponent in x-moves problem where the given stalemate is the fastest one from the initial position? A win is not possible, but stalemating your opponent so ...
3 votes
3 answers

What is the quickest way to reach a mutual, symmetrical stalemate?

What is the fastest known game that ends that in a mutual stalemate position that is symmetrical?
13 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to have a double self-smothered stalemate?

I came up with this rather amusing and bizarre stalemate where Black stalemates itself by self-smothering. [FEN "8/8/8/8/8/3p4/pp6/krb1K3 b - - 0 1"] 1...d2+?? 2. Kd1 The peculiar feature of ...
25 votes
5 answers

Examples of forced stalemate

The usual case one often sees specially in blitz play is when one side (usually the winning) mis-plays and then stalemate occurs with the losing side dodging a loss. But are there positions where ...
3 votes
3 answers

Instead of giving checkmate, I gave stalemate. Why?

I am a beginner, and I have just discovered this annoying stalemate. I got the definition but while playing, I ended up with a stalemate and I don't know why. Could you explain it to me? [FEN "8/...
-3 votes
4 answers

Can someone tell me if this is a checkmate or stalemate?

[FEN "5rk/Q1p2p1p/4p1p/2Pq2b/3P2n/4P1Pb/PP1B1P1P/R2R2K w - - 0 1"] Apparently, the system says that it's checkmate, but I don't get it. Can someone please explain it?
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to resign in stalemate?

Say that two players, likely lower rated, are playing a rated tournament over-the-board game. Player A has a winning position, and then blunders a move and stalemates. Player B, misunderstanding the ...
15 votes
4 answers

Is it technically a checkmate if the king is not in check, but all moves will result in check?

In other words, after white's move, black king is not in check. It is now black's move, but any move that black could make results in check. Is this a checkmate? Is there a chess term for this ...
12 votes
1 answer

What is the order of actions in chess under FIDE rules?

Reading some recent posts about the 50 move rule made me realize that I've never seen an explicit order of actions for chess. By way of comparison, the order of actions in Monopoly is given here: (1) ...
1 vote
1 answer

Stalemate or checkmate?

I have a rook, a queen and my king while my opponent has only 2 pawns and a king left. The situation is complicated because they cannot move anything, except for a single pawn move. But if they move ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the fastest way to reach a position in which one side is forced to choose between checkmate and stalemate?

I had an interesting idea recently. While there are many proof games ending in checkmate or stalemate, why not both, I thought. So, thus I wondered, what is the fastest way to reach a position in ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can you move from one side being checked to other side in stalemate?

I am not a chess player but I have a homework where I have to code a chess program. I would like to know if it is possible for a player's piece to be in check, the player to move out of check, and in ...