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Questions tagged [rating]

A number that approximates a player's skill. The actual meaning of the number depends upon the issuing organization. FIDE ratings are used as the international standard for over-the-board chess.

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3 votes
1 answer

Are old games from 2023 considered in new fide rating calculations?

I don’t have a rating yet. When I calculate my rating with the new rating rules do I consider only this year's performance for tournaments played after the the new rule was implemented or do I ...
3 votes
2 answers

How many games would Magnus Carlsen need to win to get an ELO of 3000?

For the purposes of this question, assume that he wins every game. Go according to his current schedule. Assume the opponents keep their current rating. If you run out of schedule, assume the rating ...
4 votes
4 answers

How do you find the highest-rated win of a certain player?

I'm looking for a tool where I can input a name (e.g. Hans Niemann, Levy Rozman, Eric Rosen etc.) and it will tell me the highest rated player they beat in chess (FIDE rated games). I appreciate any ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can you get your USCF rating floor lowered?

As you get older, your chess playing skill often declines. If a chess player has been playing chess regularly and he has been at his floor for a long time and he is getting older, is there a way for ...
0 votes
0 answers

If existing top players never play someone, how to predict who would win if they play?

If a new strong player never gets the chance to play against existing top players, how can people best predict the win-rate or likelihood of outcomes if they hypothetically play? One possible way is ...
21 votes
2 answers

Advice for breaking Lichess's 2000 rating mark

Although I have known the rules of chess since I was little, I only actually started playing it in May or June 2019, so about 6 or 7 months ago. When I started I had a Lichess classical rating of ...
12 votes
7 answers

Why not use computers to evaluate strength of players?

A computer like Stockfish can evaluate the rating performance of individual players based on a game. Why don't we take the average rating evaluation of a player's games to measure the player's ...
16 votes
3 answers

Why does FIDE still use Elo?

I've been impressed with the way the Glicko rating system works. In particular: more games played recently cause your rating to stabilize fewer games played recently cause your rating to fluctuate ...
1 vote
1 answer

How does the Australian rating system (ACF) make use of information from games played outside of Australia?

I have yet to find any details of how the Australian rating system is implemented other then it being based on Glicko2. It must clearly do more than the Glicko research papers says. This question is ...
0 votes
3 answers

Which FIDE ratings correspond to the different Stockfish levels at 5+3?

Lichess has a Play With The Computer option on its main site, which offers Stockfish levels 1 through 8. What would their FIDE ELOs be with time control set to 5+3? (Some people on Lichess have FIDE ...
5 votes
3 answers

Bughouse rating formula

Is there rating formula like ELO but for bughouse chess?
4 votes
1 answer

How many weaker players as a team can rival a much stronger player?

I wonder if anyone has tried to organize a large number of much weaker players to cooperatively beat a top player. Of course weaker players may not even see let alone agree on best moves if they use ...
2 votes
2 answers

How do I get a FIDE ID?

I’m going to play in my first tournament which have said the following: “Those who don’t have a FIDE ID have to enroll FIDE ID registration under your own federation” and I don’t understand what they ...
0 votes
2 answers

How does the Glicko rating system correlate to Elo?

I was wondering what the "rating" difference was in the Glicko, and Elo rating systems. Are they close to the same amount/number, or do they heavily differ?
0 votes
1 answer

Why does the Elo I gain from games fluctuate so heavily?

When I am playing on, the amount of elo I gain or lose from each game seems to be randomized, due to the fact that I gain less and lose more elo, when playing against players with a higher ...
0 votes
2 answers

Is There a Limit on the Number of Rated Tournaments a Chess Player Can Attend in a Month?

I'm an enthusiastic chess player looking to participate in more rated tournaments to improve my ranking and gain experience. However, I'm curious if there's any sort of limitation on the number of ...
9 votes
3 answers

How to pull ratings from and Lichess automatically?

We use a chess club and class management system that gets up to date ratings from ECF (English Chess Federation). Is it possible to do the same for and Lichess and how?
1 vote
1 answer

Process of reconnecting rating for a large country that been excluded from FIDE for a many years

If a large country with a population with many active chess players was expelled from FIDE for many years how would the rating system be reconnected? They would have hundreds of thousands of players ...
0 votes
1 answer

Should K be reduced when playing the same person often?

(Lets assume all these players are in their 30s and have been playing chess for many years, with no recent changes in how they train.) Say we have 7 players who play each other in an isolated club ...
3 votes
2 answers

What is the typical rating difference between players in rated games?

As people tend to like playing games when the outcome is not known before they start I would expect most games to be between players when the rating difference is not much more than 200. Is this the ...
4 votes
1 answer

I did not get Fide rating although I met all the requirements why?

I scored 0.5 in a FIDE tournament against 5 rated players and my performance rating was 1284. Why did I not get FIDE rating? Do I need to play another tournament in order to get a rating?
0 votes
0 answers

What proportion of FIDE rated games are from swiss tournaments?

I assume most rated games are played in swiss tournaments, but have anyone looked at the data to see if this is case?
1 vote
1 answer

What value of K is used when when a player is removed from FIDE rating list due to dropping below 1400?

My FIDE rating recently went under 1400, hence I lost my rating. I have K=20 at the moment. So my question is what will be the K from now on? 20 or 40?
0 votes
0 answers

Largest Elo variance for a GM

Too theoretical If you care to look at my national rating over time (available at the German federation), you might think I bag sand. Nope, that's normal for me. Extreme, but not unique, I guess. Let'...
2 votes
2 answers

Can Winning a Game in a First Rated Tournament Result in a Lower Rating than Not Playing?

I'm curious about a specific scenario in chess rating systems, particularly for a player attending their first rated tournament. Is it possible that for an unrated player, winning a game in their ...
1 vote
0 answers

Are there any large swiss with good playing standard that are not rated?

Chess players who are improving in the USA have good reasons to avoid increasing their ratings as prize money is often high in tournaments with a rating ceiling. The rules for such tournaments ...
1 vote
0 answers

What the max possible USCF rating of a player after playing in an under 1400 tournament?

Assume a player is over 18, and has played 40 UCSF rated games. Then the player wins 5 games in a 5 round under 1400 swiss, what is the max possible rating of the player after the tournament? (Assume ...
3 votes
1 answer

What was the justification for the calculations of FIDE previously unrated player not being balanced?

From the FIDE handbook 8.22 If he scores 50%, then Ru = Ra 8.23 If he scores more than 50%, then Ru = Ra + 20 for each half point scored over 50% 8.22 If he scores less than 50% in a Swiss or team ...
3 votes
1 answer

What was the justification for calculations of FIDE unrated player having different rules depending on tournament type?

From the FIDE handbook 8.22 If he scores 50%, then Ru = Ra 8.23 If he scores more than 50%, then Ru = Ra + 20 for each half point scored over 50% 8.22 If he scores less than 50% in a Swiss or team ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why WAS initial rating of FIDE calculated that strangely?

Let suppose an unrated player plays a FIDE rated swiss tournament where its opponent's ratings are e.g. 1300,2000,2100,2200,2300 and wins all of them, then his initial rating will be 2100 according to ...
10 votes
3 answers

Is there a list of approximate Elo ratings for each Stockfish level?

I want to create something that will select an appropriate Stockfish difficulty setting automatically given the player's rating. The straight Stockfish v11 that I've downloaded has 20 difficulty ...
1 vote
0 answers

What "hacks" does the Australian rating system (ACF) have to cope with fast improving children?

It seems practically all national rating systems have special rules to advoid issues with deflation due to fast improving children as well as special rules to help these children recorded ratings keep ...
1 vote
1 answer

How long do US chess ratings remain valid for?

In many countries it seems local chess ratings are only kept for players who continue to play rated games. Does the USCF have such a system?
3 votes
4 answers

How large can a rating difference become before either player realizes it's not worth engaging in a game?

I think the relationship changes as rankings increase. For example, players with ratings lower than 1000 might be able to play all other players in that range and still enjoy themselves, but if a sub-...
0 votes
0 answers

What mathematical modelling was done to justified the asymmetric "k" for under 18s in the rating system used by the English Chess Federation?

In the English Chess Federation (ECF) implementation of Elo, an under 18 player gets a K of 40 when improving but a K of 20 when not. This is a nice simple solution to young players improving faster ...
1 vote
0 answers

How well does the English chess rating system predict results of games between under 18s and established adult players?

The English rating system makes it possible for someone to get a full rating without every playing a person with a full rating or playing anyone who have played someone with a full rating. Hence a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why do FIDE initial ratings include "two hypothetical opponents rated 1800"?

The FIDE regulations state: Ra is the average rating of the player's rated opponents plus two hypothetical opponents rated 1800. The result against these two hypothetical opponents is considered as a ...
5 votes
1 answer

How is rating calculated for players who haven't played for long time (e.g. decades)?

Once in my life, I participated in a Canada Chess Federation (CFC) rated tournament, and that's how I obtained my initial (and the one and only) rating. That was more than 20 years ago though, and I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Queen's Pawn Game: Accelerated London System

I played the following game of chess with the black pieces with a friend of mine (we didn't use any clocks, but it lasted about twenty minutes.). As far as I know, the opening is known as "Queen'...
4 votes
2 answers

How do I know what the rating of a game is?

I found this game on a random scrap of paper lying on the ground. I'm not sure how strong the players are. How should I go about determining that by using a chess engine (say, the ones hosted by ...
1 vote
1 answer

In 4NCL are practically all players good enough to have FIDE rating?

In 4NCL (Four Nations Chess League) are practically all players good enough to have FIDE rating? How quickly after starting to play in the lower league will a player have played 5 FIDE rated players? (...
1 vote
1 answer

Why did I lose a point of rating in stalemate?

Recently played this game on and it ended up in a stalemate then also I lost one rating and the opponent gained one rating. How is this possible as I have more points in the end? Edit: For ...
3 votes
0 answers

Do FIDE or any of the federations rate Lightning chess?

Lightning chess predates digital clocks by many decades. It is basically 0+10s delay chess. A buzzer goes off every 10 seconds and the player on move has to move on the buzzer. The Scottish chess ...
3 votes
1 answer

Now that FIDE's anti-deflation rating adjustments have been done, what do they look like?

The background is covered in this question and the accepted answer. The changes were delayed until the March list. Comparing charts for the number of different players at each rating level before and ...
15 votes
3 answers

What is the process for becoming a FIDE rated chess player?

I am new to chess. I read about FIDE so my question is: How can I play in a FIDE tournament or become a FIDE-rated player? Is there any online process for that, or something else? Right now I only ...
14 votes
6 answers

How to gauge someone's chess strength quickly?

I plan on teaching a chess class (5 classes in a sequence, each building off the previous, 1 hour each) to high schoolers, with emphasis on applying chess principles to real life. Now, it'll be ...
3 votes
3 answers

Estimating the "final" strength of a kid

The short answer is of course "You can't". There are too many variables (e.g. the amount of special training). Also, ratings are not reliable, if even existent (looking at the current kid ...
9 votes
2 answers

How did you get over 2000 FIDE?

A little bit of background: I started playing chess when I was almost 20 years of age, my first FIDE tournament was when I was 25 and my first FIDE rating was in the low 1900's. At first, I thought, I ...
13 votes
1 answer

In the USA, if you achieve a USCF rating of 2200 and gain the National Master title, what happens if your rating then goes below 2200?

Is the "National Master" title awarded for your entire life? Or do you lose the title if your rating goes below 2200? I've heard that to get the title of National Master for your entire life you have ...
2 votes
0 answers

What do the flags 'i', 'ie', 'in', 'n', 'w', 'wi', 'win', 'wn' mean in old FIDE rating lists?

I'm going through some old rating lists to be precise and came across these flags 'i', 'ie', 'in', 'n', 'w', 'wi', 'win', 'wn' I know that i = ...

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