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Questions tagged [queen-endgame]

Questions concerning endgames that feature queen(s) (and kings) and possibly pawns but nothing else.

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optimum chess endgame with D=3 pieces doesn't give an exact moves_to_mate variable

I have just upgraded my code for computing completely optimally for both players a chess endgame as given here: but it gives to me 2 plies to checkmate White instead of ...
user2925716's user avatar
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With perfect play, how many pawns can a queen beat in an endgame?

I know that the queen is commonly said to be worth 9 points of material, but say we're in a queen vs. pawn endgame. Can a lone queen successfully defend against 9 pawns in any possible starting ...
Joel's user avatar
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2P winning against Q

Inspiration BCLC guessed (see link) that even only 2P can win against Q, even if the Q side has the move, if they are advanced far enough. I quickly checked a few promising position candidates in a ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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What's the idea of 'all rook endgames are drawn' ? i think opposite coloured bishop endgames and even queen endgames are more drawish

Quote: 'all rook endgames are drawn', 'All rook endings are drawn' or 'All rook and pawn endings are drawn.' For queen endgames, Karsten Müller even gives a way of visualising this (not quite Karsten ...
BCLC's user avatar
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How does white stop the three pawns and win this?

I arrived to this position, black, me, to play, in a tournament game, with plenty of time to think on both sides. Stockfish gives initially +55 and finally mate in 27 for white. Fortunately for me, my ...
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3 votes
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Find a KNP-KQ endgame in which Black loses

How do I find a position where Black, on move, cannot save themselves from defeat, having a king and queen against White's king, knight, and pawn? Furthermore, Black is not in check.
onyx2602's user avatar
15 votes
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Can you solve this queen + 3 pawns vs bishop + 3 pawns chess problem?

[FEN "7k/8/8/8/6p1/4QpPb/5PpP/6K1 w - - 0 1"] I found this interesting and unique chess problem online while surfing on the internet. Disclaimer: This is not necessarily a position from a ...
ritesh_ratn's user avatar
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Can you solve this unique chess problem of white's two queens vs black's six rooks?

[FEN "3Q4/7Q/3rp3/2rkr3/2rrr3/7K/8/8 w - - 0 1"] I found this interesting and unique chess problem online, on the internet. Disclaimer: This is not necessarily a position from a game. It's ...
ritesh_ratn's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

How many pawns make up for a missing queen in the endgame?

My partner and I are newbies, and recently found ourselves in this position: [FEN "8/8/8/6kp/p5p1/8/K7/6Q1 w - - 0 1"] I expected white would easily win because of the queen (and point) ...
ladenedge's user avatar
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An interesting eight pieces Queen endgame

Looking at a human game between strong players, one of the variations reached the following endgame WHITE to move. [FEN "4Q3/8/2pK4/1p6/1P4k1/P7/8/7q w - - 0 1"] Since Qxc6 is a draw (...
Stefano's user avatar
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GMs resigning in theoretically lost endgames

In classical play, do GMs tend to resign in endgames like king+queen vs king+rook where the game can be won by the side with more material in under 50 moves, but only with good play? (I understand ...
A.M.'s user avatar
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Is this queen endgame a win or a draw for White?

[FEN "6k1/8/4qp1p/7P/6P1/5P2/6K1/Q7 w - - 0 1"] I am unable to analyze this queen endgame in which it is White's turn. Is it a win or a draw for White?
Stefano's user avatar
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What are the specific setups to avoid perpetual checks(Queen)? [closed]

I was wondering if there certain setups with pieces, pawns, or both which avoid perpetual checks. I know an important setup is the one below where it's essentially a fortress type of a position for ...
SubhanKhan's user avatar
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What's the winning box for the King in a Queen against 7th rank Bishop-pawn endgame?

In a Queen vs Pawn endgame where the pawn is a Rook pawn on the 7th rank, it is a draw unless the King is inside the winning box, as shown here: My question is what is that winning box if the pawn is ...
William Kinaan's user avatar
4 votes
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Can White win this Q+P endgame?

Can white win this queen and pawn endgame? From this position put Black queen on the best defensive square, and then it will be White's to move. [FEN "8/1PQ3pk/6pp/8/8/8/8/3K4 w - - 0 1"] It might ...
jf328's user avatar
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Are all KQvK positions winnable if it's not stalemate and Black can't capture on current move?

Are all KQvK positions winnable if the position isn't in itself a stalemate and Black cannot capture on the current move?
CodeBricks's user avatar
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Using the diagonal in perpetual queen checks?

There exists a heuristic that recommends checking from the diagonals (using a queen) in order to get a perpetual. This, I expect, is a rule that is meant for the worse player in queen and pawn ...
CognisMantis's user avatar
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Strategy behind this chess position?

I am only used to check-in-n type of puzzle, so I am quite lost when my friend challenge me to this endgame position. EDIT: figured out how to do the chess board (note: the board seemed to be flipped, ...
user11002's user avatar
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What happened in this shootout from Houdini?

What happened in this shoouout from Houdini ? Why did the program take so long to mate with the queen and why did it make such unlogical moves. Considering the valuations, I conjecture that the ...
Peter's user avatar
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Where can I find a list of mutual zugzwangs from Queen vs Rook?

Is there a list of mzugs from KQKR?
user5649's user avatar
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Can the bishops and knights triumph over the queen?

I heard that two bishops and two knights have good winning chances against the queen according to the 7-man tablebases. Unfortunately, even the pawnless 7-man tablebases are not available online. So, ...
Peter's user avatar
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Is there any method to determine if the weaker side in KQPKQ has a perpetual check?

Is there any possibility to check, without the use of the tablebases, if a position in the endgame queen+pawn vs queen (KQPKQ) allows a perpetual check for the weaker side?
Peter's user avatar
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Normal draw positions in the endgame KQPKQ with a bishop-pawn?

Suppose, in the endgame queen + pawn vs queen (KQPKQ) , the stronger side has a bishop-pawn (c-pawn or f-pawn). The weaker side cannot win the pawn, nor has a perpetual check, nor can play on ...
Peter's user avatar
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Is there a full tutorial for Queen vs Rook endgame? [duplicate]

How do I convert the game into KQK easily, or simply mate? I've already learned the Philidor position.
user5649's user avatar
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Longest way to mate with 1 queen against 4 queens

What is the longest way to checkmate with 1 queen against 4 queens, with no other pieces on the board? Since there are 13 moves long games with a queen vs two queens, I conjecture this should be ...
Peter's user avatar
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Longest DTM in the endgame KQPPKQ

What is the longest DTM in the endgame queen and two pawns versus a queen (KQPPKQ? This position is a mate in 167 moves. [FEN "8/k7/6K1/1Q6/8/P6q/7P/8 w - - 0 1"] Are the DTC and/or DTZ ...
Peter's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is the Queen plus pawn versus Queen endgame always a draw?

In a Queen + King versus Queen + King endgame (including zero or more pawns) these is a strong draw tendency due to the fact that a Queen can deliver multiple checks in a row to the opponents open ...
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