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Questions tagged [open-source]

An open source product is a published product and made available to the public.

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16 votes
3 answers

Open source chess playing or pgn viewing libraries

Is anyone familiar with any open source chess libraries in any language that can do any of the following: parse PGNs and/or FENs calculate valid chess moves based on position process an entire chess ...
James Tomasino's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How to represent chess state with a bitboard

I'm interested in programming a chess engine and using bitboards to represent the state of the game. I know there are a few open source chess engines that use bitboards, but its not so easy to look at ...
axiopisty's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is AlphaZero open source?

There are a lot of fake AlphaZero projects on GitHub. While I was googling if it was open-source, the answer in most places is yes, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Is there a link to where the code ...
Varun W.'s user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Creating a Opening Lines Book in ' tree-like' format

I came across this Opening tree graph question where a very elegant Opening tree as displayed. Is there a way I could make a personal opening book in this format? If yes, then which software should ...
AKP2002's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to download a big txt file containing many openings?

I am creating a small chess engine for a CS class, nothing serious, i need to read the openings from a txt file or any format, i can go to websites like and download individual games, ...
Lynob's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Stockfish's algorithm [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand how Stockfish thinks, how it calculates the best move. I'm reading open source code, but it's not clear. I want to know, should I know some theory about algorithms to ...
Digmadentia-Ars's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there an Android chess GUI library

I am looking for an open source chess gui library for Android that I can use in an app so that I don't need to take care of the GUI engine, but can focus on the logic behind it. I have searched for ...
barq's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Programming chess engine [closed]

I'm a Java programmer, particularly an Android developer. I'm also a good chess player. My question is where do I start if I want to program a chess engine, may or may not be from scratch. Later I ...
Adnan Zahid's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Chess engine in python

Are there any open-source chess engines that are written in primarily or fully in python? For example, Stockfish is written in primarily C++.
Varun W.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to tweak a chess engine like SF to return a variation which is only slightly better than your moves?

By default, engines return the strongest variation(s) they calculate. I was wondering if there is a way to tweak an open source chess engine to show a move from their MultiPV which is slightly better ...
Amir 's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

ChessDB databases import

I've just installed the ChessDB software hosted at SourceForge. While discovering the software I see that the databases that come with the software are empty and I would like to know how to import ...
mounaim's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Scid vs PC Score Graph

Is it possible to modify the source code to change the display of the score graph so that you are always at the bottom? Currently, the player playing White is always at the bottom.
Wins94's user avatar
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