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Questions tagged [etiquette]

Questions regarding the written rules, or the unwritten customs, that concern proper behavior in the world of chess.

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-2 votes
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King checkmates king [closed]

When talking about kings putting kings in check/checkmate, why doesn’t anyone talk about backing up the space(s) that you had intended to move your king along for said execution? When it comes to the ...
Lord Colten's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Why don't Hikaru, Fabi & Nepo buy out Liren so the 3 of them have a playoff to face Gukesh? [closed]

Edit on opinion-based close vote: It's most likely. 1 of my assumptions is wrong. I mean to ask which of the assumptions are wrong. However, if none of the assumptions are wrong, then I think this ...
BCLC's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Can Alireza Firouzja be accused of tournament manipulation in the 2024 FIDE Candidates?

This question's been bugging me since the end of round 13. Firouzja had black vs. co-leader Gukesh, and lost. The result gave Gukesh a half-point lead over the field and strongly affected the last ...
Allure's user avatar
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0 votes
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Ethics of scratch boards in puzzles

Re these questions: would a board for calculating "non-blindfold" help GMs in slow games? Ethics of scratch boards in live games There is a built-in feature of a 'scratch board' in ...
BCLC's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

How isn't a time management extension cheating / unethical?

An extension was released 3 years ago in 2021Feb: Hikaru and GothamChess Tell You to MOVE (Time Management Extension). After a certain amount of elapsed time, you get notified by a voice of Hikaru ...
BCLC's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can one make a deal with their opponent over what opening to play?

In official tournaments, are the two players allowed to talk (before or at the start) of a match to compromise on openings, eg. If white is good at the Sicilian but bad at the Caro-Kann and black is ...
Ryley's user avatar
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5 votes
8 answers

Overkilling the opponent

Every chess player has experienced this at least once in his life: An opponent who refuses to resign, even though being bare-kinged against a rook and 5 pawns... Usually, kids are told to not be ...
Hauptideal's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

"Premove" in OTB game

Lately, a player of mine caused a minor kerfuffle by his habit of touching a piece to counter blitz even when the opponent had not finished the move. Interestingly, I found nothing in the rules (...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How do arbiters handle touch move complains where players deny?

So, two cases. Player A (A) and Player B (B) Case 1 B touches a piece. A sees it. B plays something else. A complains to arbiter that B didn't play the touched piece. Arbiter didn't see that B ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Is there a recourse when a player does not resign in a clearly lost position?

I manage a chess club. Two 1900+ players A and B were playing. They reached a position where A had K+Q, and B had only K. They each had about an hour left on their clocks. B just waited the full hour, ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is it ethical to take a draw in a winning position, if a draw is good enough?

Follow-up question to Is it ethical to take a zero-moves draw in the last round of a tournament if one is already assured of first place? I'm concentrating on this particular scenario from that ...
Allure's user avatar
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4 votes
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Arbiter talking to player

So I've got a question regarding if an arbiter can talk to a player in this situation : My clock was running and I was thinking about the next move that I should make. I was already 10 minutes into ...
Hugo Urías's user avatar
3 votes
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Le Petit Tourette

A kid I occasionally see on tournaments has a tic - he makes compulsive noises. Kids obviously have more understanding of such stuff - noone ever complained about being disturbed or made any ado about ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
1 vote
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Walkover -- what is this?

I've never seen this before. I was playing a game on, and I ended up getting something called a "Walkover". My rating on ChessArena for that game was 1090, and my opponent's ...
M1976's user avatar
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Why do Ding and Nepo sign the board?

Both Ding Liren and Ian Nepomniachtchi signed the board with their pen in round 6 (an example video). I think I saw a similar thing in the previous rounds as well, but I have never seen such thing ...
Minot's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Farming: Is it unethical to gain rating by playing against only weaker players?

I like to win games, and I like to gain rating. I want to do this as much as possible without breaking any of the explicit rules. So a fortiori no engines or external assistance and no creating ...
BCLC's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why wouldn't Magnus Carlsen just farm rating points by playing weak tournaments to reach 2900 kinda like what Igors Rausis did? [duplicate]

Edit re close votes for opinion-based: I edited question from don't/didn't to wouldn't. So now it's hypothetical for any player who happens to to have a peak rating of 2800+. Voting this to be ...
BCLC's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Etiquette question: a funny way to resign

Once, when I felt it was time to give up, instead of resigning in some conventional way such as knocking over my king, I saw that I had a helpmate in one, so I decided to go for that. This happened ...
bof's user avatar
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6 votes
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How strong should the evidence for cheating be, before you reveal it?

This is an extension of a question I asked previously here. Somebody who can prove cheating beyond reasonable doubt might easily decide to tell the public about it all. The main question is, what if ...
Chris Sanders's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Chess etiquette: Carlsen withdrawing from the tournament

Ben Finegold made this point during his streams, that even if Magnus Carlsen suspects either cheating on Hans Niemann's part or sabotage on the part of a member of his team, he should not have ...
Chris Sanders's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

A specific draw etiquette

In one of my last games, I offered a draw. Now for what the rules don't say... He had quite to chew on the offer. Half an hour he was sitting and pondered whether he could risk to play to win. I, on ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

What do you do when an opponent asks for a score sheet after a game in which recording is not compulsory?

I wish to know how to handle a certain situation regarding chess etiquette. Consider the following: I went for an OTB tournament recently - rapid 15 + 10 time control. Organizers stated that recording ...
Accomplished_Bobcat4's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

"Premoving" in blitz over the board [duplicate]

I'm myself a lightning-fast blitzer, but some (Ha. All.) have better dexterity than me. Some specialists make their move even before I could hit my own clock. This is especially annoying when Fischer ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

can players continue the game on mutual agreement in case of mobile ringing and arbiter noticing

In a situation where a mobile phone rings in the middle of the game should the offender's opponent call the arbiter and claim the win. If claiming is not needed and if the arbiter decides to mark the ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can a Chess Federation lower their NM title standard so people can get the benefits of it?

From what I read in the Wikipedia page it mentions Some national chess federations award titles such as "National Master" (NM). ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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How to discourage distracting behaviour by a teenager?

I’m showing a 12 year old male how to play chess. While he has amazing abilities, he plays with the captured pieces, jumps around, leans over the board, knock pieces over that are still on the board. ...
Laurent Leduc's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Iuri Shkuro is part of the top peak FIDE blitz rating list (2800+) apparently by 'farming'

There's a Sep2020 reddit post by user ChessAddiction entitled 'How the Elo rating system works, and why "farming" lower rated players is not cheating.' I also ask about farming here: When is ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Actual cases of a "frivolous draw offer"

Having been inspired by a recent question here, here is another. FIDE §E11.5 prohibits "unreasonable offers of a draw". Some specific cases which might get frowned upon by your opponent, ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can black make a draw offer?

I am playing a chess game and my opponent is black and he asked me if I would accept a draw since I have a King and a Knight while he has a King and a Bishop. I told him that he can make an offer and ...
Jeff's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is it inappropriate to take a photo with the trophy according to Carlsen?

In the press conference (at about 44:20) of World Chess Championship, Maurice Ashley invites Nepo and Carlsen to take a photo with the trophy but Carlsen says that he finds it inappropriate. Why is ...
Minot's user avatar
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34 votes
4 answers

Why do GMs repeat moves instead of offering a draw?

Watching recaps of the 2021 Candidates Tournaments, so many games end in consecutive repeating moves. I have a general impression that lots of top level games are drawn by repeating moves. Why do the ...
minseong's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is analysing moves on separate board in correspondence chess ethical?

In Lichess, any form of external help (e.g. engines) is forbidden, even in correspondence chess. However, there is an option to open a separate board where one can make unlimited scratch moves. I ...
user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

When you are winning, is it ethical to not go for a checkmate right away?

If you are leading a game, is it ethical to capture your opponent's pieces one by one or go straight for checkmate?
Daniel Fersbeanto's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

I provided water bottle to my opponent, he drank it then lost on time due to the need of using bathroom. Is this unethical?

Many years ago, I was playing in a chess tournament. We had been at the board for at least three hours. My opponent had spent the entire time at the board trying to find good moves. I had the better ...
Bob's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Resignation when a draw is offered

In a recent online game, I offered a draw when the endgame is clearly drawing. To my surprise, instead of replying to my draw offer, my opponent resigned. I have no idea why they did so and my best ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

Is it bad etiquette to keep playing in a clearly hopeless position?

Recently I played a blitz game (5m+5s) with an opponent with rating 1500+. I had a clearly losing endgame (K vs KQ). My opponent was not under any time pressure but he made a blunder and the game ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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7 answers

Is it bad etiquette to try to make an opponent lose on time when a position is clearly drawn?

The other day I was playing a rapid game (30 minutes each side) online. I got into time trouble but I managed to convert the position into a drawn endgame. (Not just a theoretical draw—a clear draw ...
Joe's user avatar
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22 votes
10 answers

How to minimise your opponent's fun in a game?

I play numerous online chess games and in this question I am self-centred: I play for two purposes: to win the game, or when winning is unlikely, to draw the game. to improve my chess skills, which ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the rules around talking/ communicating during a chess game?

I heard in a youtube video that you are not allowed to talk to your opponent unless you are saying check or checkmate. Obviously, this rule is loosely enforced in casual play, but is this true?
Noah's user avatar
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After a blunder, is it better to resign or keep playing?

I often wonder if it is better to resign or keep playing at a disadvantage after making an obvious blunder (for instance, leaving a piece hanging, only to realize too late that you made the mistake). ...
Hanyanrou's user avatar
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7 answers

In a online game, is it considered good etiquette to offer a draw when the opponent obviously misclicked?

For example, instead of capturing (and therefore exchanging) the queen on d8, white moved his queen from d1 to d7, and black can capture this queen for free. This is very likely the result of a ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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5 answers

Game ended with a handshake

In a amateur game, black offered a handshake and white shook hands with him and neither spoke any word and the game ended. Later they had a dispute whether the game is a draw or a win for white. Black ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to indicate that "I need more time to consider your draw offer" in a formal game?

When my opponent makes a draw offer, I will consider whether to accept this draw offer or not and this consideration could take very long, say 20 minutes or more. What is a good etiquette now to ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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18 votes
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What's the etiquette for giving checkmate on board?

I wonder what is considered to be a polite way of giving mate on board. Should one announce the checkmate? If so, should one press the clock after making the move, or stop it, or simply do nothing? ...
Kostya_I's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is it bad form to go for a lengthy but losing endgame that you suspect will be winning on time? [duplicate]

In blitz games, I sometimes have to choose between sharper positions that I suspect will put me at some slight positional advantage and positions easily played by my side but difficult for my opponent ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
42 votes
8 answers

Do you say "good game" after a game in which your opponent played poorly?

Suppose you win a game in a noncompetitive way, when you know your opponent cannot feel good about his play. Maybe he dropped his queen early, to a simple tactic that should have been evident for a ...
Eric Wilson's user avatar
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49 votes
18 answers

How do you keep chess fun when your opponent constantly beats you?

How do you keep chess fun when the only person that wants to play against you beats you all the time? I am struggling to want to keep playing, because I get smashed all the time, and it is not fun ...
Tina Dolcetti's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Is it improper etiquette to ask your opponent what his/her rating is before the game?

Suppose you're playing in a tournament. For the purpose of filling up your scoresheet, is it improper etiquette to ask your opponent what his/her rating is before the game?
Siddhartha's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Is it allowed to talk to your opponent in a tournament game?

Suppose my opponent in a tournament was running very low on time, and after move 40, presses the clock and leaves the board for a while, falsely believing they will get extra time on their clock. ...
Wais Kamal's user avatar
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38 votes
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Is it bad etiquette to decline a draw offer when participating in a simul?

On LiChess, FM knightprince gave a simul where I participated (our game). I blundered a pawn played a pawn gambit, but managed to complicate things and won it back. Afterwards, the game would have ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar