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2 votes
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Engine to solve direct mates on larger boards?

Does anyone know of a problem engine that will solve direct mates on larger boards (e.g. 10x10, 12x12 etc), please?
Laska's user avatar
  • 13.6k
12 votes
3 answers

Render a chessboard from a PGN file

I’d like to render a 2D chessboard image and save it after the last move as a PNG or JPEG from a given PGN file on a Linux console. How can I do this? I have a PGN file and I want to get a screenshot ...
wintermeyer's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Alright so if you a pawn makes it to the other side can that player grab a castle and say its a queen? [duplicate]

EDIT - Tony adds this interpretation, which hopefully the OP will accept by removing this line. If one of my pawns captures a Rook (which is on the 8th rank) can I promote that pawn to a Queen in the ...
Christian's user avatar