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Questions tagged [blitz]

Blitz chess is chess played with very short time controls, typically 5 minutes per side or less.

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3 votes
0 answers

Do FIDE or any of the federations rate Lightning chess?

Lightning chess predates digital clocks by many decades. It is basically 0+10s delay chess. A buzzer goes off every 10 seconds and the player on move has to move on the buzzer. The Scottish chess ...
3 votes
1 answer

How many illegal moves are allowed in Classical, Rapid & Blitz?

As of Jan-2024, I see that 2 illegal moves are allowed in chess and the 3rd one results in a lose of the game by the one who made those. FIDE 7.4b After the action taken under Article 7.4.a, for the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Understanding the Importance and Definitions of Classical, Blitz, and Rapid Chess World Championships

I'm intrigued by the various formats of chess world championships, specifically the classical, blitz, and rapid tournaments. My understanding is that each of these championships holds a distinct place ...
6 votes
1 answer

Handling Illegal Moves by Both Players in a Blitz Game: Rules and Arbiter's Role

In a recent blitz chess game, a situation left me uncertain about the official rules and how they are enforced. Both players, including myself, made illegal moves, but these were not immediately ...
0 votes
2 answers

About the importance of a "check"

Watching chess online on Youtube (Eric Hansen, Daniel Naroditsky, Kevin Bordi ...) playing blitz I noticed that they often try at first to avoid a "check" even if the potential following ...
2 votes
1 answer

Chess fever (literarily)

Has someone tested how it is to play chess under the flu? (Perhaps online, as you don't want to infect the whole room.) I claim that with 40° fever, the only effect is that my brain processes speed up ...
6 votes
3 answers

Does the touch move rule apply in Blitz?

At a casual club where I play, one guy insists on playing five minute Blitz games (most of us play untimed games otherwise). Since a player's move isn't complete until they press their clock, he ...
5 votes
1 answer

What is going on with FIDE's latest rapid and blitz ratings? Some players are more than 500 points higher in one month!

It's the last day of September and the provisional rating list for October has been released. There are some very strange ratings changes in that ratings list. Sri Lankan IM LMST De Silva played no ...
20 votes
6 answers

Brain fog when playing chess

I've been playing chess from many years but started playing more from past few month. I only play 3 minute blitz games, have rating around 1350 in and 1700 in lichess, have played few ...
17 votes
3 answers

Are there statistics on the results of armageddon games at the GM level?

I've tried finding statistics on the results of competitive armageddon games played at a high level (say, GM level), but to no avail. Evidently, these statistics must exist, as for example FIDE ...
2 votes
2 answers

Am I obligated to tell my opponent the position of my piece he displaced in blitz?

In a blitz game, my opponent displaced 3 pieces upon capturing. He arranged 2 correctly but could not figure the position of the third piece. Am I obligated to say the position of the 3rd piece when ...
3 votes
1 answer

Are there people that have played at 2000 OTB to master level by focusing on playing exclusively blitz rated games online?

Are there chess players for example, that have gotten to say, Lichess 2700+ Blitz online without ever playing OTB and then as soon as they started OTB, they were playing at a 2000 to master level?
4 votes
3 answers

Sorting players by FIDE blitz/rapid ratings

In the FIDE advanced search it seems to only allow search by standard rating. Is there a way, for example, to search the list of players with descending blitz rating or rapid rating? My final goal is ...
50 votes
6 answers

Is it sportsmanlike to waste opponents' time by giving check at the end of the game?

In Blitz games, with very little time left for both players, is it acceptable to keep on checking the opponent and waste their time and win the game on time? Is that true sportsmanship?
4 votes
2 answers

Can I get FIDE titles (FM, IM, GM) by getting norms in blitz tournaments only?

Could I play in blitz tournaments only and get FIDE norms, hence I can get FIDÉ titles such as FM, IM, and GM?
-5 votes
1 answer

Can Black draw this game? [closed]

Carlsen-Svidler 2010 Blitz. Black to move. Can he draw by perpetual checks? In the actual game, he resigned two moves later. [FEN "6R1/8/3B4/5K1k/r7/8/8/8 b - - 0 1"] [StartFlipped "0&...
2 votes
1 answer

How are chess boards updated in real time in Blitz and Rapid tournaments?

In Rapid and Blitz tournaments, there are usually multiple over-the-board chess games going on simultaneously. It seems many websites and live streams have access to the chess boards of many players, ...
14 votes
1 answer

Does blitz change the relative value of position vs material?

The way I see it, true gambits trade material for position, which in turn could give you opportunities to regain more material. However, in blitz play, you are less likely to notice those ...
5 votes
1 answer

List of chess players by their peak FIDE blitz rating

I've come across a list of the highest FIDE ratings ever achieved by all 2700+ players in the This shows all the players above 2700 in classical ordered by their FIDE peak rating. It ...
11 votes
3 answers

How much worse do GMs play in their blitz and bullet games?

How much of a skill drop is there when a GM plays a blitz game or a bullet game versus rapid and classical? What I mean is, imagine if Carlsen was given 1 minute to play in, and he played against ...
11 votes
5 answers

Does playing too much hyperblitz and bullet ruin your classical performance? [duplicate]

Because of quarantine I haven't been able to meet up with my friends to play OTB games or go anywhere including tournaments to play OTB for that matter, so for the past year I have been playing purely ...
12 votes
4 answers

What are good openings for White during a blitz game?

It seems as though White can easily dominate the tempo in a blitz game through a strong, aggressive opening. Is this the case? What openings are strong for White when there is a short time limit (e.g.,...
24 votes
1 answer

The illegal moves in Carlsen-Inarkiev

In the first round of the World Blitz Championship in Riyadh. Magnus Carlsen played Ernesto Inarkiev and the game ended strangely. [FEN ""] [StartPly "53"] [Event "World Blitz ...
5 votes
2 answers

Must chess pieces be within a square?

In lightning chess. must pieces be moved so they are completely within a square? If not then how much overlap is allowed? If my opponent breaks this rule do I stop the clock and call the DOP?
1 vote
3 answers

Capturing the king in a blitz game

In a blitz game, when my king is checked, I make an illegal move that checkmated the opponent and pressed the clock. Then my opponent captured my king and claimed victory. Capturing the king is not a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Valid claims for a draw in a blitz game

The following situation occurred in my last tournament. It was a 5 min blitz game without time increment. My opponent didn't have any material left. I touched my rook and wanted to place it on the ...
18 votes
11 answers

Why do titled players always play online (blitz) speed chess?

If you have been to an online chess server, you will notice that almost all titled players always play quick games (3 0) at a max. On the other hand, if you go to tournaments, it needs cool thinking ...
2 votes
5 answers

Are USCF regular ratings more accurate than quick or blitz ratings in regards to quick or blitz games?

I recently went to a USCF tournament. Although it was quick/blitz rated, regular ratings were used for the purposes of pairings and prizes. This led me to wonder: are regular ratings actually better ...
19 votes
1 answer

What was Anand thinking in the 1994 Armageddon blitz semifinal?

In the famous Blitz semifinal armageddon in 1994, Anand spends 1:43 minutes (from his 5 minutes available) on move 4, and ends up winning the game. What exactly was he thinking? Are there any ...
6 votes
3 answers

What is some basic advice for playing blitz or rapid?

A decade back i used to play chess, but just OTB and without time control. I now got back into chess and often play something like 15+10, where I very rarely lose on time and I am now rated ~1500 on ...
1 vote
2 answers

What are the rapid and blitz forms of chess?

I have no clue-I am a recreational player who wants to join FIDE tournaments.
36 votes
2 answers

Is taking the opponent's king an illegal move?

In competition blitz games, making an illegal move and then pressing the clock forfeits the game if the opponent claims the illegal move as long as they do not make a new move, as a new move would ...
13 votes
7 answers

What are some common chess traps?

What are some of the most common traps to be aware of? I am talking about examples such as The Fishing Pole Trap The Lasker Trap in the Albin Counter Gambit The Rubinstein Trap in the Queen's ...
8 votes
4 answers

How to improve blitz chess rating?(Time management)

I have a blitz rating of 1900 on Lichess and I can't seem to improve from there. My road to 1900 was fairly quick, but I have been stuck in 1900. My Classical rating is higher than this, so I know ...
19 votes
13 answers

Why do people say blitz chess can be bad for your chess?

I keep hearing blitz chess is bad for you but the I've only been offered two explanations for why that is. The first reason I've been told is that it ruins your ability to focus since you it forces ...
19 votes
2 answers

What should a player do in blitz if he knocks a piece on to the floor after pressing the clock?

This question is prompted by an incident in today's World Blitz championship in Moscow as described and shown in this tweet. What happened was that Nakamura made a move, pressed the clock, on the way ...
9 votes
2 answers

Is it bad form to go for a lengthy but losing endgame that you suspect will be winning on time? [duplicate]

In blitz games, I sometimes have to choose between sharper positions that I suspect will put me at some slight positional advantage and positions easily played by my side but difficult for my opponent ...
8 votes
2 answers

King's Gambit - Falkbeer Countergambit

I like to play blitz games online (mostly 3, occasionally 5 minutes per player). When I play those, it is usually for enjoyment and getting into wild games - romantic chess, if you will. This ...
7 votes
5 answers

Which format should i choose to improve my chess skills (Blitz chess or Standard time control chess)?

I always play both blitz and standard time control chess games. But in blitz I make a lot of mistakes and I'm not able to find a lot of good and tactical moves whereas in standard time chess format I ...
18 votes
2 answers

Do some chess players actively train moving the pieces on the board quickly?

Having spent the last couple of days watching the Rapid and Blitz World Championships I became, once again curious about the following subject. In some circumstances, especially in blitz games, it ...
2 votes
2 answers

A piece was knocked down during a blitz game

I was playing a blitz game which was not part of a tournament or something but there was some bets, which were not significant at all, just to add some more spice to the game. However at some point I ...
18 votes
12 answers

When losing in blitz, is it rude to play to win on time?

In blitz, I frequently find myself in a position where I'm hopelessly losing on the board but have a good chance of winning on time (and the other way around). Is it generally considered good ...
-5 votes
2 answers

Do some people play chess with a 5 minute base time and no increments because it's a different challenge than 3 minutes with 2 second increments? [closed]

Chess with a 5 minute base time and no increments is a very different game from chess with a 3 minute base time and 2 second increments. It probably always had a winner and a loser except for when ...
6 votes
4 answers

Unusual replies to Scandinavian Defense

Are there any tricky, unusual replies by White against the Scandinavian Defense? I mean, avoiding 1. e4 d5 2. exd5, since, especially after 2... Nf6, for what I know, most of the tricks are on Black's ...
4 votes
5 answers

Do the rules of blitz chess allow a draw to be claimed if the position is dead drawn?

Consider this objectively drawn position that occurred in the Fischer vs Spassky 1972 match, game 12. Suppose this position occurred in a blitz game where Black barely has few seconds remaining on his ...
0 votes
1 answer

Blitz games managment

Here is the problem : when I have the time, i usually find the right move. Meaning, in a longer time frame games (more than 10min) I'm doing better. I feel like struggling with 5 min. games and I don'...
1 vote
1 answer

Blitz tournaments (time control around 5 minutes)

I want to know if any of you could help me finding results from strong Blitz tournaments where the time control is around 5 minutes per player. It's for research. I do not have Chessbase or any chess ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can you claim an illegal move in Blitz after pressing your clock (but without making a move)?

In Blitz under FIDE rules, Player A makes and completes an illegal move by pressing the clock. Player B states that Player A's move is illegal, does not make a move, but quickly presses his own clock, ...
17 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to improve by playing mostly blitz?

Can you improve significantly in chess by playing mostly blitz (say, 3 0) games? Or will you eventually reach a wall where the only way to advance is by sitting down for lengthy periods analyzing ...
3 votes
1 answer

What happens when both players are out of time in Blitz?

What are the rules when the clock for both players has reached 0? Are these rules different for digital clocks (where the clock shows who was the first player to flag) and analog clock where it might ...