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5 votes
2 answers

In Damanovic-Fischer, 1970, wasn't 66. Ke3 better?

In Damanovic-Fischer, it seems like the move played, 66. bxa4+, made it easy for Fischer. Wasn't 66. Ke3 better? [Title "Damanovic- Fischer, 1970,"] [FEN ""] [startply "130"] ...
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8 votes
4 answers

Should white be able to win this endgame?

Should white be able to win from the position [fen "8/5k2/3p1p2/3PnP2/1KP1r1P1/8/3RB3/8 b - - 0 67"] with black to move? (A game I was playing ended there when black just let black's time run out ...
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15 votes
3 answers

What color squares should pawns be on with one bishop left?

This slightly confuses me. If I have one bishop left - let's say it is the light-squared bishop - ss it better for my pawns to be on the light squares or dark squares? Let's assume also that my ...
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