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Questions tagged [anand]

Viswanathan Anand was FIDE world champion 2000-2002 and undisputed world champion 2007-2013.

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Video of Anand vs Kasparov from 1996

Where can I find a video of Anand vs Kasparov played at 1996 Las Palmas. There is a mention of it in this ChessBase article: At this point Kasparov went into a deep think. Jan Timman started to ...
CoolCoder's user avatar
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Unfinished Chess game between Viswanathan Anand and Garry Kasparov

I found many historic games unfinished. Take this match as an example. This is a match between Viswanathan Anand and Garry Kasparov in Ch World (match) (PCA) 1995. Anand lost this match as per the ...
Abhimanyu Sharma's user avatar
19 votes
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What was Anand thinking in the 1994 Armageddon blitz semifinal?

In the famous Blitz semifinal armageddon in 1994, Anand spends 1:43 minutes (from his 5 minutes available) on move 4, and ends up winning the game. What exactly was he thinking? Are there any ...
d4zed's user avatar
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Why is g5 much better than gxh5 in this position of Anand?

To me, Anand's 13. g5 instead of 13. gxh5 was very surprising. [Title "Vishwanathan Anand vs Nafiz Ediz İlhan,"] [FEN ""] 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. ...
Ritesh Singh's user avatar
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How would the evaluation of the engine suggested endgame in the Anand vs Carlsen game be determined?

In round 7 of the Tata Steel Masters 2020, there was a game between Anand and Carlsen. Anand had the upper hand out of the opening but they drew on move 54. Instead, Anand missed 54.Rb4! Nxc7 55. Rc4 ...
SubhanKhan's user avatar
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26 votes
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Understanding Anand's Bc4 move vs Ivanchuk 1992

In the Ivanchuk vs Anand game (1992), the game leads into an endgame after lots of exchanges, which by no means looks (to me at least) winning for black: they both have 2 rooks, 2 bishops, and black ...
user929304's user avatar
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What are the merits of Anand's exchange sacrifice in game 9 of 1995 World Chess Championship?

From various sources (some of which I have mentioned below) I have heard Vishy Anand's 27th move in game 9 of 1995 world chess championship match against Gary Kasparov , which was an exchange ...
srk_cb's user avatar
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9 votes
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Who was the last Indian player to beat Vishy, and when?

The question came to mind following today's game between Vishy (Viswanathan Anand) and the young Raunak Sadhwani at the Isle of Man 2018 Tournament. Has Vishy been beaten by an Indian player since, ...
Shredderroy's user avatar
6 votes
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Intention of two moves of Topalov vs Anand

What was the intention for the moves 23. ... Bb6 and 24. ... Bd7 ? [FEN ""] [White "Anand"] [Black "Topalov"] [StartPly "45"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 dxc4 5. Bg2 a6 6. Ne5 c5 7. Na3 ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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Why did Gelfand resign against Anand in the shortest match in WCC?

I saw the notations of the match in chessbase, and I couldn't understand why Boris resigned. Anand was no where close to checkmate. I don't see why he didn't just trade his queen for a bishop and ...
Saikat's user avatar
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What was the last open tournament Anand participated in before this Gibraltar 2016 event?

When and what was the last open tournament that Vishy Anand participated in before this 2016 Gibraltar Open?
Arun J's user avatar
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What happened to the official website for the World Chess Championship 2010?

The official website for the WCC2010 is supposed to be (and previously was) located at (please do not visit the page until you read the whole post): Now, unless I am ...
Zvonimir's user avatar
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What is the maximum Elo rating that Magnus Carlsen could have if he loses the 2014 WCC to Anand?

What is the maximum Elo rating that Magnus Carlsen could have if he loses the World Chess Championship 2014 to Anand? Would this result from a 6.5-5.5 result or would the relative rating change mean ...
Reluctant_Linux_User's user avatar
12 votes
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Anand - Carlsen Game 1 WCh 2014, why not 12.Qc3+?

In game 1 of the World Championship 2014 between Carlsen and Anand, Anand chose 12.gxf3. Why not play 12.Qc3+ instead? It takes control over the a1-h8 diagonal and prevents the black Nc6 to jump to d4 ...
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7 votes
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Could Karjakin have grabbed on g5 at move 56 against Anand in the Candidates 2014?

After 55...Rb2, we got the following position in Karjakin - Anand (Candidates 2014, round 13). Well, how about Nxg5, does it work? [White "Karjakin"] [Black "Anand"] [FEN "8/8/6k1/4p1p1/4P1Pp/5P1N/...
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7 votes
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Which World Champions other than Viswanathan Anand had a jolly personality? [closed]

First of all, congratulations to Viswanathan Anand for winning the Candidates 2014 tournament and qualifying for a rematch with Magnus Carlsen later this year! I saw this interesting gesture made by ...
NM Wesley Falcao's user avatar
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Has Anand missed that he is better? Anand vs Andreikin round 12 Candidates tournament

I am looking at the Anand vs Andreikin round 12 Candidates tournament and I see that it ended in a draw and that based on engine evaluation Anand is much better (+ 2.8 is kind of huge). I also see ...
Salvador Dali's user avatar
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Aronian vs Anand World Championship Candidates 2014 Round 8. Is White better after 19.f4.

This game occurred between Aronian and Anand today at the World Championship Candidates 2014 event. In the final position, instead of 19. Nd2, Aronian could have continued with 19.f4. He was a pawn up,...
NM Wesley Falcao's user avatar
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Did Aronian make a mistake in the opening against Anand in round 1 of the FIDE Candidates 2014?

Here is the game [Event "FIDE Candidates 2014"] [Site "Khanty-Mansiysk RUS"] [Date "2014.03.13"] [Round "1.3"] [White "Anand, Viswanathan"] [Black "Aronian, Levon"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2770"] [...
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11 votes
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Why Anand and Carlsen insisted on playing the same opening/defense

They played the Berlin defense and Ruy Lopez. Well the question is more like: why Anand insisted to play Ruy Lopez again and again. wouldn't be better if he had tried najdorf and nimzo indian earlier? ...
Lynob's user avatar
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Did Anand have a forced win at any point in Game 9 of the 2013 Anand-Carlsen world champhionship match?

For much of today's Anand-Carlsen game, white seemed to have a powerful mating attack. But from the analyses I've seen, there was never a point where it was clear that black would not be able to ...
TKR's user avatar
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Can Magnus Carlsen force draw (pun-intended) himself to victory?

So far Carlsen has a 2 game lead over Anand and there are only 4 games left. At the strength of these players, can Magnus basically force his opponent into draws by playing certain openings or styles?...
xaisoft's user avatar
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15 votes
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Is the first game of World Chess Championship 2013 the shortest game in WCC history?

The first game of the 2013 World Chess Championship, Carlsen vs. Anand, ended in a draw after just 16 moves. Is this shortest game in the history of the World Chess Championship?
Pouya's user avatar
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Rating calculations for Anand-Carlsen world championship

I have some interesting questions that have to do with the rating changes and calculations for the Anand-Carlsen world championship. First, some preliminary information: Carlsen's live rating: 2870,...
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Analysis of Viswanathan Anand vs Vladimir Kramnik in the 2013 Zurich Chess Challenge?

I was taking a look at the game between Viswanathan Anand and Vladimir Kramnik in the 2013 Zurich Chess Challenge which can be found here: A few ...
xaisoft's user avatar
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18 votes
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How many moves ahead does Anand calculate in his mind?

I always wondered about this! How many moves ahead can strong players like Anand actually 'see' during the game? How does the calculation of a supercomputer like Deep Blue differ from that of strong ...
msumaithri's user avatar
12 votes
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What motivated Kasparov's comments on the Anand-Gelfand match?

I was watching an interview with Kasparov which occurred before the Anand-Gelfand match was played, and he said: "Nobody should be offended, it is just a fact, but it's the first time in a long ...
EPN's user avatar
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Anand - Gelfand 12th game in World Chess championship 2012

I have been following 12th game in World Chess championship 2012, and I just could not understand why a draw was offered. Is it that they can see 10 or more moves ahead and think of the ending or is ...
Srikar Appalaraju's user avatar
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In game 1 of the 2012 WCC between Anand and Gelfand, black ignored his passed pawn advantage. Why?

In the first game of the WCC 2012 between Anand and Gelfand, which was drawn, Gelfand had a passed pawn on a6. Could he not have exchanged the major pieces and then tried to win with it? Why was the ...
Binoj Antony's user avatar
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