I want explain my procedure to convert the ChessBase MegaDatabase 2014 in to
scid format...Normally it's quick if you have a little database.
1) I have used Virtualbox to install Windows7 and the ChessBase
MegaDatabase 2014 in my Ubuntu.
2) After from Chessbase under Virtualbox with Windows7 installed.
I have created a new database with PGN format and copy the files from database 2014 into the new PGN database.
3) ChessBase MegaDatabase 2014 have up 5.700.000 games, and need to be converted
in 2 or 3 parts and this procedure take a lot of time !!!...When you have your parts run on a terminal:
"cat mypart1.pgn mypart2.pgn mypart3.pgn >> mypartsregrouped.pgn"
4) And finally with scid (you need scid installed), in a terminal run: (to convert the pgn file in to scid format):
"pgnscid mypartsregrouped.pgn"
and the scid database (consisting of myfile.si3, myfile.sg3 and myfile.sn3) will be created...
It's not difficult...but your computer to convert chessbase format to pgn format take a lot of time (with 5.700.000 games of course!!!).
I have make and put my aMule (emule) in share with the ChessBase MegaDatabase 2015 in SCID
FORMAT 591.72MB...you can now directly download.
I hope that I helped you.