The best for QGD is Mathew Sadler-Queen's Gambit declined in my opinion. Every line in the Queen's Gambit declined has been explained. It is dated, so you will need to do your own research to find latest theory. Still, QGD is "stable" opening so theory rarely changes here...
For Queen's Gambit accepted, you could try a book from Starting Out series, or Semko & Sakaev-Queen's Gambit Accepted. QGA is simple, its all about not letting Black to finish development. You just need the moves to survive the opening. Maybe you will need to learn how to play against Isolated pawn. If that is the case, you can start with this post on Chess SE.
As for Slav defense, again Black aims for solidity and White tries to hinder his harmonious development. The lines are sharp but easy to understand, and you need to know theory. Maybe sometimes you will end with "hanging pawns" but there is a book about this type of middlegame. The best book I found on Semi-Slav is one from David Vigorito. As for Slav, again you can Google for one of the Starting out series.
Of course I understand that this is a huge topic. But at least a book that covers roughly QGA, QGD and the Slav would be nice.
Lars Schandorrf-Playing the Queen's Gambit 2nd edition could be what you want. It gives you most up to date theory at this point. Combine it with the above books and you should be fine. For latest opening theory you could consider getting 2 volumes from Avrukh ( Grandmaster repertoire 1 and Grandmaster repertoire 2 ).
Shandorrf and Avrukh give opening moves but don't explain basic ideas. I have listed them so you can survive opening as there were recent novelties in the Semi-Slav and Slav. For basic ideas get Starting out series and Sadler's book, they should be enough for you to start.
In my opinion this is the best you can do to solve your problem at the moment. If you need further help leave a comment. Good luck!