I've downloaded the Lichess database from 2013 to the end of 2022, and counted the final move of all the games, including whether it was a check or checkmate. For space reasons, I processed this in a streaming fashion (i.e not keeping any data after it was downloaded and processed), and I had forgotten to include recording whether the final move was by black or white; the only things I know are the number of games where the final move played was X. It's broken down by month, as well as collected into a grand total.
You can see the raw stats on the GitHub repo next to the counting program, and here's a Google Sheet with the final data and some sample calculations.
In total, there are 4,004,175,546 recorded rated games in this period.
Here are a few highlights:
- Only 26.5% of games ended in a checkmate, with the remaining 15.19% ending with a check and 58.31% with neither; thus, 73.5% of games ended in a timeout, draw or resignation.
- The most popular game terminations are
and Q(x)g7#
: together, these account for a whole 3.03% of games and 11.43% of checkmates.
- Of the checkmates, the most popular one is with the queen: these account for 64.78% of all checkmates. (Note that moving the pawn to the final rank to deliver checkmate counts as a pawn move, not the move of the promoted-to piece.) The other popular option is with the rook, which accounts for another 25.39%. All the other pieces combined account for only 9.83% of checkmates, with a king move only delivering 0.0258% of them (exclusively by means of a discovered attack, because the king itself cannot cause a check).
- 32.43% of checkmates were also captures, and this is fairly consistent across the pieces: from 37.16% for the queen to 18.81% for the knight, it seems to hover somewhere around 20-30%. An exception is the king, which already has a rather small number of checkmates, but only 3.87% of those also capture a piece.
- 1.88% of checkmates were caused by a promotion, most often into a queen
(in 92.25% cases) but occasionally into a rook ??=R#
- Checkmating by a castling move is very rare: this only happened 39,026 times in the data, or 0.000974%; and among these,
is 67.01% while O-O#
is half as frequent with 32.98%.
- There are a lot of extremely rare game endings: there are 2058 different final moves that were each played only once (and 798 of them are checkmates). Most of these seem to be fully-specified: for example, only one game ended in
. These rare moves account for a substantial amount of my data: I've collected 22661 unique game-ending moves, and there's 5322 (23%) moves that concluded less than 10 games, and 9028 (40%) that finished less than 100 games; and among the latter, there was only 51975 checkmates, which is less than 0.0049% of all recorded checkmates.
I haven't looked at the squares involved too much, but I imagine that there would be some more insights to be found there.