I am in the middle of crafting my chess repertoire from scratch and have saved up quite a bit of money for the past 3 years and I want to buy resources that are most dynamic against a particular black response.

Against the Nc6 Sicilians I want to play the rossolimo and am looking for some resources that allow me to play this line dynamically.

  • 2
    So... you want to play the Bishop's opening against 1.e4 e5 and now are looking for recommendations to the Sicilian, French, Caro-Kann etc? I assume you have played against these openings before. What did you like to play and what you not like to play? It all depends on your personal preferences. A better question might be: I like to play the Closed Sicilian against 1.e4 c5, what are good resources for this opening? As you asked the question now, it is too broad and too opinion based.
    – Tommiie
    Commented Feb 16 at 8:23
  • OK, noted will make the required changes Commented Feb 16 at 8:40
  • If you trully want a dynamic approach go for the open sicilian. Otherwise also consider 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. b4?!, which is quite interesting if a bit unsound (IM Andras recently published a youtube video about this variation). Rossolimo has a lot of coverage on chesspublishing, but google also found book Rossolimo and Friends by GM Kornev, though I didn't read it, so I cannot vouch for its quality. To be frank, I think it would be better for you at your stage to focus more on tactics than on openings. Commented Feb 16 at 9:04

1 Answer 1


As you probably know, chessable contains an enormous amount of courses. To find the best fit to your need (here adding the Rossolimo to your repertoir) I would go as follows:

  1. Go to chessable > Tools > Opening Explorer.
  2. Insert your position of interest and hit "Search courses for Position":Rossolimo
  3. A list of the available courses that include this position will appear: enter image description here

In your case, make sure that it is a repertoir from White perspective. I would go for "Keep It Simple: 1. e4 - 2.0". Here is what the cover of the course says about the Sicilian:

♚ Take Black’s tactics out of the Sicilian. With the Rossolimo and Moscow variations with an early Bb5, you’ll disrupt Black’s usual tricks and set up a dominating center…or an endgame Black will hate you for

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