I have trouble understanding why move 12 for both sides was such a blunder? Evaluation went roughly from -1 to -6 and back to -1.3. The engine suggests 12... Ne4. I understand that e4 is a good outpost for the black knight. But so is e5 for the white knight and they can go there with a tempo (hitting the queen). That is why I (as black) decided to retreat the knight to d7 to prevent the white knight coming to e5. Analyzing with a computer I see that somehow black is able to make progress after 12... Ne4. But I get lost in the amount of variations and I still don't get it. Is there an easy way to see it?
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1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 c5 3. e3 e6 4. Nf3 Nf6 5. Nbd2 c4 6. c3 Nc6 7. b3 b5 8. b4 a5 9. a3 Be7 10. Ne5 Qb6 11. Nxc6 Qxc6 12. Nf3 Nd7 13. Ne5 Nxe5 14. Bxe5 O-O 15. Be2 axb4 16. axb4 Bd7 17. O-O f6 18. Bg3 Be8 19. Rxa8 Qxa8 20. Qa1 Bg6 21. Qb2 Qb7 22. Ra1 Ra8 23. Ra3 Be8 24. Qa2 Bc6 25. Rxa8+ Qxa8 26. Qxa8+ Bxa8 27. f4 Bd6 28. Kf2 Bc6 29. Bh4 Be8 30. g4 h6 31. Bg3 Bg6 32. Bf3 Be4 33. Bxe4 dxe4 34. f5 e5 35. h4 Kf7 36. dxe5 Bxe5 37. Bxe5 fxe5 38. g5 h5 39. Kg3 Ke7 40. Kg2 Kf7 41. Kf2 Ke7 42. Kg3 Kf7 43. Kh3 Ke7 44. Kg2 Kf7 45. Kf2 Ke7 46. Ke2 Kf7 47. Kd2 Ke7 48. Ke2 Kf7 49. Kf1 Ke7 50. Kg2 1/2-1/2