To answer your question “Why is Bd3 better than Be2 or Bc4?” with words rather than computer evaluations might be a more effective mode of conveying the ideas behind this.
Bd3 defends the e4 pawn, (Nf6 -attacking e4- is a likely move from black at some point, especially as black can castle once this happens), it develops a bishop and by vacating the f1 square and so prepares white for a future K- side castle. The white B on the b1 -h7 diagonal is a good placement for future threats against a castled black king.
Be2 leaves e4 undefended and as pointed out in the comments (Ian Bush) removes a square from whites f knight future development . Moving the B to c4 defends the already defended pawn leaving e pawn undefended.
Bb5+ ( to address one of the comments -David ) serves to loose a tempo or alternatively whites B in a phase of the game when piece develoopment should be the priority.