(One of) My chess kiddie (U8!) is an aspiring grandmaster (I would lean that much out of the window), but we are just a small club. Still, I'm a life long chess kiddie trainer and want to give him the appropriate training to keep him from running away to the local big club as long as possible.
Methinks he plays a bit greedy. Maybe a good trait on his age level where his opponents hang pieces left and right, but I want to give him some training material "Think before you grab". A typical tactic from this area is the "Bxh2, g3, oopsie" manouvre, even Fischer fell for that. Or the Qxb2-and-you-get-disowned.
Can you give me a reference specialized to this theme, be it book or online? (For example, I'm thinking of the chapter "Greed" in Rowson's "7 Deadly Sins" book.)
EDIT: Here is an example I made myself, devoted to LxB-and-gets-jailed.