I am currently developing my own chess engine in rust. It all was working pretty fine, until I added transposition tables. Where my engine was playing the reasonable move e2e4 at a lower depth, with transposition tables, it now plays weak moves at higher depths like h2h4, already thinking it is loosing by 100 centipawns.
My transposition table uses Zorbist hashing, using a dual keep depth and always replace replacement scheme. I can't think of any reasons for my code being faulty right now, except for maybe the Zorbist number table having unsound random numbers.
Here is my code for the negamax search:
pub fn negamax(state: &mut GameState, info: &mut SearchInfo, depth: u32, alpha: Eval, beta: Eval) -> (Eval, Option<Move>) {
unsafe {
let alpha_orig = alpha;
let mut alpha = alpha;
let mut beta = beta;
let tt_probe = info.tt.get(state.zorbist_key);
match tt_probe {
Some(entry) => {
if entry.depth >= depth {
match entry.flag {
TTFlag::EXACT => return (entry.eval, entry.best_move),
alpha = max(alpha, entry.eval);
beta = min(beta, entry.eval);
if alpha >= beta {
return (entry.eval, None);
None => {},
let moves = generate_moves(state);
if moves.is_empty() {
return (INFINITY * state.get_winner(), None);
if depth == 0 {
return (quiescence(state, alpha, beta), None);
let moves = order_moves_negamax(moves);
let mut alpha = alpha;
let mut best_eval = -INFINITY;
let mut best_move: Option<Move> = None;
for mv in moves {
unsafe {
let (curr_eval, _) = negamax(state, info, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);
let curr_eval = curr_eval * -1;
if curr_eval > best_eval {
best_eval = curr_eval;
best_move = Some(mv);
if curr_eval > alpha {
alpha = curr_eval;
if alpha >= beta {
let flag = if best_eval <= alpha_orig { TTFlag::UPPERBOUND } else if best_eval >= beta { TTFlag::LOWERBOUND } else { TTFlag::EXACT };
info.tt.store(TTEntry {
key: state.zorbist_key,
depth: depth,
eval: best_eval,
flag: flag,
best_move: best_move,
return (best_eval, best_move);
And here my code for generating the Zorbist table (using lazy_static!)
lazy_static! {
pub static ref ZORBIST_PIECE_LOOKUP: [[Hash; 64]; 12] = {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut table = [[0; 64]; 12];
for i in 0..64 {
for j in 0..12 {
table[j][i] = rng.gen::<Hash>();
return table;
And last but not least my code for the Transposition table:
pub struct SearchInfo {
pub tt: TranspostionTable,
pub struct TranspostionTable {
size: usize,
keep_depth: Vec<Option<TTEntry>>,
always_replace: Vec<Option<TTEntry>>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct TTEntry {
pub key: Hash,
pub depth: u32,
pub eval: Eval,
pub flag: TTFlag,
pub best_move: Option<Move>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum TTFlag {
impl TranspostionTable {
pub fn new(size: usize) -> TranspostionTable {
TranspostionTable {
size: size,
keep_depth: vec![None; size],
always_replace: vec![None; size],
fn index(&self, zorbist: Hash) -> usize {
(zorbist % self.size as u64) as usize
pub fn get(&self, zorbist: Hash) -> Option<TTEntry> {
let i = self.index(zorbist);
if let Some(entry) = self.keep_depth[i] {
if entry.key == zorbist {
return Some(entry);
if let Some(entry) = self.always_replace[i] {
if entry.key == zorbist {
return Some(entry);
return None;
pub fn store(&mut self, entry: TTEntry) {
let i = self.index(entry.key);
if let Some(old) = self.keep_depth[i] {
if entry.depth >= old.depth {
self.keep_depth[i] = Some(entry);
} else {
self.always_replace[i] = Some(entry);
} else {
self.keep_depth[i] = Some(entry);
self.always_replace[i] = Some(entry);
Could you think of anything I am doing wrong here?