We have now GPUs, Quad-cores, i7s, i5s, i3s, and so on. However, I am wondering what is the best chess engine for 1 CPU. ChessBase offers Fritz 11 for free. Fritz 11 works very well with 1 CPU. Also, Stockfish has many versions, which one is the best for 1 CPU? Same question for Komodo. Komodo 12 is free, but what is the best Komodo for 1 CPU?
I tried Stockfish 14.1 and put my computer in trouble, even though is a new desktop, but with a Celeron processor. (Intel(R) Celeron(R) J4105 CPU @ 1.50GHz). It is impossible to analyze in my computer with Stockfish 14 because the computer freezes. I tried to use Stockfish 9 and Stockfish 10 but I did not find them in the Stockfish website. I only found Stockfish 14.
Update 12/24
I installed the last free version of Komodo (Komodo 12), and it is running without freezing my computer. I can analyze with this engine without problems. The same with Fritz 11. However, Stockfish 14 freezes my computer.
I am running the chess engines over the free GUI ChessBase Reader 17. You can find it in the following link:
You can download the free version of Komodo from the website: https://komodochess.com/
Update 12/25/2021
I found the old versions of Stockfish!
- Go to https://stockfishchess.org/download/
- Other Versions (At the end of the page)
- Old (archived) releases of Stockfish