What is the shortest sequence of moves to move all of White's pieces to the third rank or beyond? Assume in this situation that Black is cooperating in trying to achieve this goal, and as such is simply shuffling their knight back and forth to not impede White's progress. The shortest I've found is the following:
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1.e4 Nf6 2. d4 Ng8 3. Ba6 Nf6 4. Bh6 Ng8 5. Qh5 Nf6 6. Nf3 Ng8 7. Nc3 Nf6 8. Rd1 Ng8 9. Rd3 Nf6 10. Kd2 Ng8 11. Re1 Nf6 12. Ree3
Is there a quicker way to do this? For a more challenging variant of the problem - what's the shortest series of moves to get all of White's pieces and pawns to the third rank or beyond?