Is there a free online chess repertoire tool? It can be some place where you register, save variations and comments, and navigate with a board what you do. I was used to chessply, but apparently it disappeared.
7 Answers
In addition to the other answers, there are a few sites to consider. These include annotation and comment features as mentioned by the OP.
Upload a PGN and then you play the computer interactively. You play moves from your repertoire and the computer plays the opponent moves. This is also open source.
Similar functionality in the "Opening Trainer." The interface is a bit different but it tracks what lines you have learned a bit differently which is nice. Users have access to several settings to accommodate learning training preferences. Nils Lindemann's comment provides userscripts that may further improve the opening trainer.
As B.Swan has pointed out in a comment, the Study feature includes this. Further, Hauptideal points out in a comment you can use the Analysis feature's book icon to access master statistics, lichess statistics, and statistics of any lichess account you want.
There are also other related sites worth exploring to understand their capabilities and how they may supplement the resources above.
Import/export PGNs. Search databases, get statistics. See opening relationships in a graphical tree.
Import/export PGNs. Import and analyze a user's openings from a database, PGN, etc, including popular online chess sites.
The opening tree functionality was added natively to lichess for own lichess games Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 11:21
@Hauptideal thanks, I'll look into it and update the answer accordingly once I've tested its functionality relative to the OP's question. Appreciate the tip! Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 15:02
- Click on the book icon and select player. You'll get master statistics, lichess statistics and statistics of any lichess account you want. Commented Jul 12, 2022 at 22:33
1There are some userscripts to make the ChessTempo opening trainer more pleasant. Some changes in the settings (below the board) are also recommended. Commented Jun 25 at 15:17
There is already an offline program which has a lot of my ideas implemented:
But there is no good online tool which comes even close to that, let alone surpassing the linked offline tool. And I think an online tool, which stores the individual repertoire databases on a serve, would be much better, because then you could use the tool from any device, PC, tablet or smartphone. And if professionally made the online tool could easily surpass the offline tool linked above.
I was looking for the exact same thing and could not find what I wanted so I ended up building this free tool ! It is a text editor which will automatically replace FEN formulas with pictures representing the chessboard (upon PDF export).
This opening explorer is so incredibly comprehensive and intuitive that I cannot imagine anything better. Just make sure you use the website, not the mobile app. The app is trash. The website is better optimized for mobile than the mobile app.
As an experiment, I inverted the the letters that accounts what pieces are in every row, obtaining the position from black point of view.– djnavasCommented Jun 25 at 7:52
You may have a look at
It is free, online and still under development. You can use it from all your devices.
I think this is a great initiative! The only problem I see is that it doesn't recognize transpositions. For example, 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nf3 is correctly identified as the Roscher gambit from the Pirc, but the moves 1. e4 d6 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. d4 which leads to the exact same position is not identified as such. Hope you will overcome this. Commented Mar 25, 2023 at 19:17
Personally, I use the following, hanging pawns is the best YouTube channel I've ever come across, I like's exercises, simplychess can get a bit wordy, but I find they do a great job of explaining the high level plan, and I like pinsandgambits' short to the point walkthroughs