This puzzle on chesstempo caught my eye (we play as White):
[FEN "4q1k/p4pb/r4npp/4P/n2B/5NNP/5PP/Q4RK b - - 0 1"]
1. Nd7
The move I made was e6, and it was the right one. Yet, the Black's second move was not quite something I foresaw:
[FEN "4q1k/p4pb/r4npp/4P/n2B/5NNP/5PP/Q4RK b - - 0 1"]
1. Nd7 e6
2. Ndc5 Bg7
I believe there is a word for the situation the black bishop finds themself in after 1... e6: no matter what the next move is, it gets captured. As one can see the Black can't play Kg7 on the 2nd board as it is protected by the White queen. Therefore, I would have gone for the White bishop with the "doomed" Black bishop straight away:
[FEN "4q1k/p4pb/r4npp/4P/n2B/5NNP/5PP/Q4RK b - - 0 1"]
1. Nd7 e6
2. Bd4 Nd4
Why does Black choose not to play as I did on the 3rd? Besides, what is the word for the "doomed" pieces, such as the Black bishop here?
Note: chesstempo users went over those moves in the comments under the puzzle, yet the discussion there is quite cumbersome, so I decided to bring this question up here.