I'm still in the learning stage of playing chess, and was a bit frustrated by this puzzle.
After my initial attempt failed I tried all the moves I could think of to succeed (I usually do this and often get the solution on my second or third try) I used the hint feature to get the solution. None of this would be at all shocking to me, but the puzzle is rated at 715 and my failed attempt cost me 14 rating points.
Looking at the analysis board the line played gives only a fractional advantage to white, but any other move would result in a significant decrease in advantage.
So now I know what the correct answer is, I'm wondering if this puzzle is possibly underrated or if I'm missing something in my chess practice so far...
I seem to do a lot of puzzles on Chess.com where a seemingly simple mate-in-3 is rated 1000+ and then puzzles like this one that make me doubt my training so far.
Any thoughts on what I can takeaway from this puzzle, or what I can do to fill this gap in my knowledge so far?