There's another question on this SE, which asks the question in reverse: What are the reasons why I should not try to take a Knight with my Bishop if it'll result in doubled pawns?
The answers do not adequately address, why you should try and double up your opponents pawns. To be more precise let me point to this Youtube video explaining the Budapest opening.
[fen "r1bqk2r/pppp1ppp/2n5/4P3/1bP2Bn1/2N2N2/PP2PPPP/R2QKB1R b - - 0 1"]
The Youtuber recommends ...BxNc3 with the sole aim of creating doubled pawns. So why are doubled pawns so awkward? The only reasonable answer on the Wikipedia page I could understand was that the Rooks can't provide support to the leading pawn in a doubled pawn structure. Can someone shed more light?