[fen "3Q4/8/k7/5p2/q2p1Pp1/2p3P1/K1P5/3R4 w - - 0 1"]
I recently started playing chess and was doing some puzzles online. It says that this move is checkmate but I don't see why white can't move to b1. Can someone please explain?
[fen "3Q4/8/k7/5p2/q2p1Pp1/2p3P1/K1P5/3R4 w - - 0 1"]
I recently started playing chess and was doing some puzzles online. It says that this move is checkmate but I don't see why white can't move to b1. Can someone please explain?
No, the white king can still move to b1.
That said, Kb1 Qb4+; any Qb2 is mate.
[FEN "3Q4/8/k7/5p2/q2p1Pp1/2p3P1/K1P5/3R4 w - - 0 1"]
1. Kb1 Qb4+ 2. Ka2 Qb2#