I am referring to the following rules.
My concern is that this is very unfair to one of the players as often
even strong hands are not strong enough and end up being down a piece.
Let's calculate the material imbalance of one million random hands (sorry, it would have been too much hard for me to program the promotion and demotion rules).
import itertools
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
deck = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,9,9,9,9]
cardCombinations = list(itertools.combinations(deck, 5))
arrayUnbalance = []
for i in range (1000000):
randomHandWhite = random.randint(0, len(cardCombinations)-1)
randomHandBlack = random.randint(0, len(cardCombinations)-1)
unbalance = abs(sum(cardCombinations[randomHandWhite])-sum(cardCombinations[randomHandBlack]))
plt.hist(arrayUnbalance, bins=range(0,30,1))
The imbalance is always an even number. I think this is because all values are odd and all subtractions results in an even number.
~12% ~14% of hands are equal and perfectly playable, but titled players could find them drawish.
~22% ~27% of hands are unbalanced +2, and at a medium level the weak side can play for a draw to recover half of the pot, especially if you play the white pieces.
~66% ~59% of hands are resigning positions at my level.
After D M calcs with the full rules
Another reason I think this is especially due to the fact that you
cannot see your opponent's pieces until they place all of them.
Where I play this is not the case. Players place the pieces in turns and you can see where your opponent is placing the pieces.
A minor consideration is that black has a slight disadvantage in this step of the game, as white's last piece can create forks and gain material (it is white's turn).
Also, why can't we pre-move or have more than 2 pieces of the same
"suit" or even place the pieces anywhere on our side rather than first
2 rows?
I agree pre-moves are important when you play a 3 minutes (end)game on a smartphone. I would like the site I play allow them.
A player with three bishops or knights would be a bit weird in my opinion. To place two bishops in the same color square is not allowed. I find it logical as promotions to bishops or knights are rare in chess.
To allow pawns to be placed on the 7th rank would alter the poker part. I like your idea of allowing the rest of pieces to be placed on all rows, the chess game would become more aggressive, but maybe this would give white a big advantage.
After that, I think a titled player could not profit his chess skill to beat a top poker player (maybe Nakamura would do). With a medium chess knowledge the poker player would beat the chess player as they do at Texas holdem.
Another problem I see is there are no online cash games at the moment. And what happens when you play poker with no cash? Everybody goes all-in with trash. You don't learn anything.
If you wish to play a serious game against a casual poker player and a 1800 rated chess player, you can add me as a friend on the app, my nickname is briest-man.
Ay, my level the game is funny. You can create threats when you place the (white) pieces and you have not a lot of time to finish the endgame. I profit my chess skill to beat players with my poker level, but weaker than me. I can stay on the site not paying any penny for the virtual chips. I wish there were cash games to play at low tables.