Is there a known record for the most possible stalemates in one in a legal position, for with and without promoted pieces? I did some constructing myself for a start.
For without promoted pieces, I found 105, counting different promotions as different moves.
[Title "me, 2/24/2020, Stalemate In 1"]
[FEN "kN6/P1PPPPPP/2P5/4K3/6Q1/2NBB3/1R6/R7 w KQkq - 0 1"]
For promoted pieces, I remembered a position from elsewhere on this site. I switched two pieces, made come counting deductions, and I arrived at a number of 205 moves for with promoted pieces.
[Title "me, 2/24/2020, Stalemate In 1"]
[FEN "R6B/3Q4/1Q4Q1/4Q3/2Q4Q/Q4Q2/pp1Q4/kBNN1KR1 w - - 0 1"]