I was looking at an analysis which shows this position ( from Bacrot - McShane 2018). At this point Black just played ...Qa5+
, and the only moves that are analyzed for white are Kf2
, c3
and Qd2
This is not the first time I see such a position, and I never understood why Bd2
is not even considered. As a black french player, I often discard moves like ...Qa5+
because it looks superficial to me after Bd2
. But by looking at these games, it clearly looks like I'm missing something important here.
Any pointers ?
r1b1kb1r/3n1ppp/p1n1p3/qpppP3/3P1P2/4BNP1/PPP1N2P/R2QKB1R w KQkq - 1 10