From a recent world-championship game Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen (2018), the players agreed to a draw here:
[Title "Black to move"]
[FEN "8/1r3kp1/7p/7P/4R1P1/6K1/5P2/8 b - - 2 54"]
However, I played this position as black against the computer, and it quickly crushed me. Obviously I'm doing it wrong.
Question: How does black ensure a draw in this rook and pawn endgame?
My play was rather planless (basically I don't know where to put the king and rook---I think the pawns should not be moved), so after a few "I don't really know what to do, but this move isn't immediately losing" moves, I end up having to make critical moves, then end up making a mistake.
I played several times vs. the computer now; here's one example:
8/1r3kp1/7p/7P/4R1P1/6K1/5P2/8 b - - 2 54
54... Ra7 55. Kf4 Kf6 56. Rc4 Ra5 57. Rc6+ Kf7 58. f3 Rg5 59. Rc7+ Kf6 60. Rc6+ Kf7 61. Ke4 Ra5 62. Rd6 Ke7 63. Rc6 Kf7 64. Rd6 Ke7 65. Rd5 Ra4+ 66. Kf5 Kf7 67. Rd7+ Kg8 68. Ke6 Rf4 69. Rd3 Rf6+ 70. Ke5Kf8 71. Ra3 Kf7 72. Ra7+ Kf8 73. Ke4 Rb6 74. Kf4 Rc6 75. Ke5 Rf6 76. Ra3 Kf7 77. Ke4 Kf8 78. Ra8+ Kf7 79. Ra7+ Kf8 80. f4 Rb6 81. Kf5 Rc6 82. Ra8+ Kf7 83. Ra7+ Kf8 84. Ke4 Rc5 85. Rb7 Kg8 86. Rd7 Kf8 87. Rd5 Rc4+ 88. Kf5 Rc6 89. Ke5 Kf7 90. Rd7+ Kf8 91. Rd6 Rc5+ 92. Ke6 Rc8 93. Kf5 Re8 94. Kg6 Re7 95. Rd8+ Re8 96. Rxe8+ Kxe8 97. Kxg7
(I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with the replayer here.)
Sometimes the computer would draw because it didn't seem to playing for a win (e.g. pushing pawns, or just letting them hang).