How do I win this endgame?
2R5/pr6/3kp2p/4n1p1/5B2/P4P2/2P1K1PP/8 w - - 0 1
More specifically, I want to know whether I should trade off pieces, and in case of a trade, which pieces I should keep on the board.
I considered three options here:
A Keep all the pieces on the board.
This could be done by 1.Bg3 Kd5 2.Rh8 etc.
B Trade off the rooks.
This could be achieved by 1. Rd8+ Rd7 2. Rxd7 Nxd7 etc.
1...Nd7 is bad because of 2.Kd3 Kc6 3. Rh8!?
C Trade off the light pieces.
This can be done by 1.Bxe5 Kxe5 2.Rh8 etc.
My further questions are:
- Is the rook ending in C a draw? If it is possible to win it, how would it be done?
- Which endgame is better/easier to play A or B?
- I guess that A and B are both winning for White. How are the winning strategies in both cases, i.e. how to win them?
- In general, in Rook + Bish vs Rook + Knight endings, who wants to trade of the rooks?
1.Rd8+ Rd7 2.Rxd7+ Nxd7
is illegal because the knight is pinned.