While the accepted answer gives the correct evaluation of the position and a useful link, I think it is important to detail a little bit more the strategy in this interesting rook endgame.
First of all, it is important to notice that Black cannot keep the white king cut away from the pawns. Offering rook exchanges and hiding behind the white rook, the king will make its way until d2.
[FEN "8/8/8/3k3p/3P3K/2P3R1/8/7r w - - 0 1"]
1.Rh3 Rg1 2.Kxh5 Rg8 3.Rf3 Kc4 4.Kh4 Rg7 5.Rg3! Rf7 6.Kg4 Rf8 7.Rf3 Rg8 8.Kf4 Rf8! 9.Kg3 (9.Ke3 Re8) (9.Ke4 Re8! {and the king has to go back}) Rg8 10.Kf2 Re8 11.Re3 Rf8 12.Ke2 Rd8 13.Kd2
Actually, if the white king could rather reach the upper part of the board in front of its pawns (say, e5 or d6), he would win, but as shown in the sub-variation above, Black can prevent this with frontal checks since the white rook has to stay on the third rank protecting its pawn on c3.
When the white king reaches d2, White has a strong threat of Re5-c5+, kicking the black king out of its blockading position. To save the draw, Black must react and prepare a check on the second rank, grab the Pc3 and reach a well-known KRPKR theoretical endgame:
[FEN "3r4/8/8/8/2kP4/2P1R3/3K4/8 b - - 0 1"]
1...Rh8! 2.Re5 Rh2! 3.Ke3 (3.Re2 Rh3) Kxc3 4.Rc5 Kb4 5.Rc8 Rh3 6.Ke4 Rh4 7.Ke5 Rh5 8.Kf4 Rh4 9.Ke5 Rh5 10.Kf6 Rd5
After 4.Rc5 the black king is cut one file away from the white pawn and White is aiming for a winning Lucena position. There are two possible defenses for Black:
a. frontal checks, which works when the pawn has not crossed the half of the board: Re8-d8-e8 etc harrassing the white king. White can prevent that with 5.Rc8!?
b: lateral checks, which works when the 'long side' of the pawn is available, i.e. when the defensive king is cut on the 'short side': it is the case here, so black can secure the draw by checking from the h-file 5...Rh3 6.Ke4 Rh4 7.Ke5 Rh5 etc. White cannot make any progress.
Thus the king being cut on the short side is the decisive factor. Indeed, if in the starting position we move the central pawns one file to the right, White is totally winning:
[FEN "8/8/8/4k2p/4P2K/3P2R1/8/7r w - - 0 1"]
1.Rh3 Rg1 2.Kxh5 Rg8 3.Rf3 Kd4 4.Kh4 Rg7 5.Rg3! Rf7 6.Kg4 Rf8 7.Rf3 Rg8 8.Kf4 Rf8 9.Kg3 Rg8 10.Kf2 Re8 11.Ke2 Rh8 12.Rf5! Rh2 13.Kf3 Kxd3 14.Rd5 Kc4 15.Rd8 Rh5 16.Kg4 {The black rook lacks a i-file.} Re5 17.Kf4 Rh5 18.e5 {White progresses and will reach a Lucena position soon.}