I've just finished translating my Java Engine to C++11, expecting great speed improvements in move generation. The code is very straightforward and uses a pre-generate bitboards approach. I also generate only legal moves, ie, inside generateMoves() I check to see if the king is in check.
As a quick test, I ran Perft (6) from the starting position. The Java version finishes the test on ~11 seconds. The C++ version takes ~8.5 seconds (my perft stops at depth 1, and zobrist keys are being updated on makeMove and undoMove).
The same test on Stockfish runs under 1 second.
I was expecting the C++ version to be at least twice as faster as the Java one, and of course, somewhat slower than Stockfish.
After some investigation, it's clear that checking if the king is in check, for every move, is the major bottleneck. What can I do about this? I was trying to understand how to work with pinned pieces (https://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/Checks+and+Pinned+Pieces+(Bitboards)), but I'm not sure how to follow. For example, what does obstructed()
do in the link above?
NOTE: I already compiled it with the -O2 optimization flag.
EDIT: Here is some more details on the code:
Q: How did you generate sliding pieces?
I use the classfical bitboard approach, at program start I generate attack masks for all pieces:
void MoveGen::bishopMoves(Board& board, int side, MoveList& moves){
int opp = side ^ 1;
U64 bishops = board.bitboards[Board::BISHOP | side];
U64 occup = board.bitboards[side] | board.bitboards[opp];
U64 enemyOrEmpty = ~board.bitboards[side] & ~board.bitboards[Board::KING | opp];
U64 *up_r = BitBoardGen::BITBOARD_DIRECTIONS[BitBoardGen::IDX_UP_RIGHT];
U64 *up_l = BitBoardGen::BITBOARD_DIRECTIONS[BitBoardGen::IDX_UP_LEFT];
U64 *down_r = BitBoardGen::BITBOARD_DIRECTIONS[BitBoardGen::IDX_DOWN_RIGHT];
U64 *down_l = BitBoardGen::BITBOARD_DIRECTIONS[BitBoardGen::IDX_DOWN_LEFT];
while (bishops != 0){
int from = numberOfTrailingZeros(bishops);
U64 upward = upwardMoveTargetsFrom(from, occup, up_r, enemyOrEmpty) | upwardMoveTargetsFrom(from, occup, up_l, enemyOrEmpty);
U64 downward = downwardMoveTargetsFrom(from, occup, down_r, enemyOrEmpty) | downwardMoveTargetsFrom(from, occup, down_l, enemyOrEmpty);
add_moves(board, from, upward | downward, Move::NO_FLAGS, moves);
bishops &= bishops - 1;
//handle blocking
U64 MoveGen::upwardMoveTargetsFrom(int from, U64 occup, U64 dir_mask[], U64 enemyOrEmpty){
U64 ray = dir_mask[from];
U64 blocker = occup & ray;
if (blocker != 0){
int sq = numberOfTrailingZeros(blocker);
ray^= dir_mask[sq];
return ray & enemyOrEmpty;
Q: How did you generate legal moves?
I only generate legal moves, so I check if the king is in check while generating moves. This is probably one of the problems, since most moves don't leave the king in check.
The generateAllMoves code:
MoveList genLegalMoves()
valid = ()
moves = getPseudoLegalForAllPieces (may leave the king in check)
for move in moves
board.applyMove(move) //its a local makemove, no zorbist involved
atCheck = isAtCheck() //dumb code, be more selective here?
board.removeMove(move)//its a local undomove, no zorbist involved
if !atCheck:
atCheck = isAtCheck() //again for castling
if (! atCheck and canCastleKS)
if (! atCheck and canCastleQS)
return valid
Q: How did you undo your move?
My makeMove is like the following (this is fast):
int makeMove(int move):
int undo = board.state
incremental update zobrist key
update board.board[]
update board.bitboards
update board.state
return undo
void undoMove(int move, int undo):
board.state = undo
incremental undo zobrist key
update board.board[]
update board.bitboards
And finally, my isAtCheck()
code goes like:
boolean isAtCheck(int side):
locate king square
get all opponent attacks mask
return kingSquare & attacksMask
EDIT 2: I have changed the code to a pseudo-legal generator. The problem now is that I have to go to depth 0 to count only legal moves, and now it's taking ~16 seconds.