I am trying to encourage a young friend to learn chess. He is very interested, just like any child would be with a child's play. I am wondering which movie about chess to choose, that could cause more interest and improved learning to him.
5 Answers
Searching for Bobby Fisher maybe. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8khmNiamBxo
In addition to great suggestion by Mark. You can also try Brooklyn Castle: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1800266/
It seems quite inspirational, the main message 'it's also cool to play chess'.
First movie that came to my mind was Life of a King, but some scenes are not recommended to young children. You should watch it before and then decide yourself!
Maybe you can also check out Algorithms. I didn't manage to see it, but seems to be quite inspirational.
A movie that I like about chess is "The Luzhin Defense".
However, the movie might encourage your friend not to be obsessive with chess. Anyhow, the tactical problems showed in the movie deserves a view if you are yet a chess player.