I'm a complete novice in chess and I don't know if this even qualifies as endgame with so many pieces left, but I ended up in this position playing as black vs. a king's pawn debut. I sort of tried to play king's gambit of my own, despite playing black. As you can see, I won on timer, but is this position winnable to either side, or it a stalemate / draw? Assuming both sides play perfectly, of course - which they did not up to this point, but my question is theoretical.
[Title "White to move: Is it draw?"]
[FEN "2k3r1/1p3p2/2p5/p2r3p/8/P2P3P/1P2RK1P/6R1 w - - 0 1"]
[Startflipped "1"]
The only advantage for black that I can see is the pawns being advanced one more line, my goal would be to sneak one pawn up to the 1 line, but it's hard to see for me whether that's doable.