This puzzle on chesstempo caught my eye. We play as Black:
[FEN "1r1r2k/p4pp/2q/2p1p2P/P1P1Pn/B3NP/4Q2P/R6K w - - 0 1"]
1. Nd5
The White queen is under attack, yet one shall not rush and capture it. The White may fork the Black king and queen and then fork two rooks:
[FEN "1r1r2k/p4pp/2q/2p1p2P/P1P1Pn/B3NP/4Q2P/R6K w - - 0 1"]
1. Nd5 Nxe2
2. Ne7+ Kf8
3. Nxc6 Ke8
4. Nxb8 Rxb8
So, we lose a rook here. Therefore, we need to capture the knight. I took the knight with the rook:
[FEN "1r1r2k/p4pp/2q/2p1p2P/P1P1Pn/B3NP/4Q2P/R6K w - - 0 1"]
1. Nd5 Rxd5
Yet, chesstempo wanted me to capture it with the queen:
[FEN "1r1r2k/p4pp/2q/2p1p2P/P1P1Pn/B3NP/4Q2P/R6K w - - 0 1"]
1. Nd5 Qxd5
2. cxd5 Nxe2
So, why do we play Qd5 instead of Rd5? Besides, does it matter for the White whether to play cxd5 or exd5 on the last board as the second move?