I've received an (I would say impossible)
mate-in-one challenge
and I have already checked all movements, but couldn't solve it yet. It came from a trustable source and they say you need to think outside the box, so certainly there's a solution. Can someone help me to find it out?
[FEN "2q1rb2/pR3pkr/3p2pN/2nPp1QP/1nB1P1b1/6N1/PBP3P1/5RK1 w - - 0 1"]
1. Qg6 Kh8 (1. Qf6 Kh6) (1. Qe5 Re5) (1. Be5 Re5) (1. Ngf5 Kh8) (1. Rff7 Kh8) 2. Qg8
White moves, and it is pretty close to win. Qxg6, Qg8
could be a two-movement winning sequence. However, as said in the challenge statement, it is possible to be victorious in the very next movement, so I have been wondering how!
The original statement is:
Today's puzzle is one of the most trickiest chess problems you'll ever see. All you need is to think outside the box. White to move and mate in one! Yes, in one move. No, no extra pieces are appearing on the board likewise no removal. It's achieved with one unique valid movement, are you able to solve it?
There's just 6 possible checks white can do (I mean, i just saw 6). All them are included in above board followed by how black escape from it.
Can anyone find the solution?
Also also also also, for honesty here, I googled the FEN to find the answer.